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BB Sverige > LL säsong 30

LL säsong 30

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Date: 2/3/2015 2:43:03 PM
Ratu BK
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Ja och så var vi igång med ny seniorsäsong också. Vi har plockat EM mästarna (mest pga att de vilade spelare men whatever, vi tar det ändå!) ... samt lilleputtlandet Andorra, som dock bjöd på oväntat motstånd. Ol´man Vinberg fläskade i matchbästa 27poäng, Mazzolini firade sin 130:e (!) skillpoint i fredags med en double-double, och ungdomen visade spänsten i form av Thord Sandbergs två blockar. Härnäst gamla favoriten Georgien, ett lag som är ungefär lika bra (dåligt) som oss men som vi brukar slå. Dålig påfyllnad hittills i truppen, de där riktiga nya talangerna saknas helt enkelt men jag har inte gått igenom alla än.

Heja Swe!

From: Spela

This Post:
267551.2 in reply to 267551.1
Date: 2/4/2015 3:42:20 PM
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Kul info tackar!

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267551.3 in reply to 267551.1
Date: 2/9/2015 3:40:50 PM
Skene Outlaws
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Väl coachat! Lagom lätt seger mot Georgien. Lagom motstånd härnäst då?

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267551.4 in reply to 267551.3
Date: 2/12/2015 3:47:23 PM
Ratu BK
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Italien, Grekland, Nya Zeeland mm... finns ett par matcher vi borde kunna plocka där helt klart.


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267551.5 in reply to 267551.4
Date: 2/12/2015 3:54:36 PM
Ratu BK
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Tänkte vara lat och bara snabbt kommentera truppen... vi har ju plats för fler spelare och jag har fått en hel del mail ang spelare som skulle kunna tänkas vara aktuella. Men... om det inte är en absolut monstertalang vi snackar om som behöver boosta erfarenhet tidigt så kan jag inte se att jag skulle plocka in någon under 100 skill points eller lön under 50k. Jag vet att det är ett dåligt mått på spelare med lön och skill points men har inte riktigt tid att skriva utförliga förklaringar så...
Den som nu kan tänkas ha en bra spelare på gång bör ha lite koll på hur truppen ser ut nu.

Spelare med lägst lön: Anders Jonsson/Ralf Molner 59k
Spelare med lägst skill points: Stefan Olsson (110)

Så om inte din spelare är vassare än dom tre så får man träna vidare.
Det finns ett par spelare på gång och Jonsson och Olsson är ju långsamt på väg ut ändå pga ålder men de funkar som exempel.

In English: (in case anyone read this). Players need to be above 100 skill points/50 k salary before asking about NT placement.

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267551.6 in reply to 267551.5
Date: 2/18/2015 8:21:39 AM
Ratu BK
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Oops... bjöd på en standard line-up mot Italien. Hade det rentav gått att vinna den matchen? Bara BB gudarna kan veta det... däremot vet jag att Igelander kan nog få vänta länge på nästa start... jeez....

From: Melo9

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267551.7 in reply to 267551.6
Date: 2/23/2015 12:20:17 PM
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How can a great country like yours allow the U21 NT to loose games 50-0 without making lineups? I feel really sad for it and for the bad image it makes of Sweden. It's also bad for the group competition but that's a minor problem in my opinion...
I just get a little surprised to see 70+% approval on the U21 NT page.

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267551.8 in reply to 267551.7
Date: 2/24/2015 4:36:32 AM
Pipa Warriors
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Pipa Organics
I know

I was embarassed myself when I saw that the game started already at 16,30 when I logged in at 17,00 to set the lineup. And hoped that I remembered to set standard lineup, but obviously I missed it. (did setup a standardlineup asap yesturday, so wont happen again)

On the other side, Sweden U21 are really weak this season, really really weak with just a few 21 years that are better than the 20 years old. So this season is just a transport to next seasons consolditation tourney. We would prob have lost with 30-50 points if I would have setup the team, since its the 3 last games that are important for us to win.

From: rufferto

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267551.9 in reply to 267551.7
Date: 2/24/2015 2:13:02 PM
Ratu BK
Overall Posts Rated:
Shit happens. Lineups are forgotten, schedueles get changed etc.. not really something id feel sad about if I were you.
Im more surprised there are 30% who do not approve, yet they most likely arent doing much for our community.

...But I see Seppukku has a higher ceiling for this type of critique...

From: Melo9

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267551.10 in reply to 267551.9
Date: 2/24/2015 6:07:21 PM
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Well, I didn't mean to offend your NT coach, neither to offend your community, it was exactly the opposite. I want you more competitive and active.
Best luck for your next seasons

(not gonna post again, since this isn't my countries forum eheh)

This Post:
267551.11 in reply to 267551.10
Date: 2/25/2015 5:51:10 AM
Pipa Warriors
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Second Team:
Pipa Organics
Well, I didn't mean to offend your NT coach, neither to offend your community, it was exactly the opposite. I want you more competitive and active.
Best luck for your next seasons

(not gonna post again, since this isn't my countries forum eheh)

I can understand that it looks weird and disgraceful, and I am not happy about it myself either. But it doesnt mean that I dont care for U21, just that the game was played 1-2 hr before I was used to, and hectic at job and a sick daughter at home made me forget about it until the alarmclock rang at 17,00 to remember to set lineup, and then it was to late