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GS Training

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Date: 2/27/2015 11:19:17 PM
Headless Thompson Gunners
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Second Team:
Canada Purple Haze BC
Said it before and I'll say it again
GS training doesn't seem to have been weakened at all
team I play in B3 this week has at least 3 players with more than 80 minutes avg per week the last 3 weeks
GS 9 9 8

My best player no GS training but minutes managed
last 3 weeks 69,61,67
he drops from 9 to 8 and his DMI cut in half

More ridiculous punishment for teams that train

From: lape99

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268071.3 in reply to 268071.2
Date: 2/28/2015 5:51:48 AM
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Well I have a player who averages about 90 minutes a week and still has 9 GS. No GS training ever. I do have a massage doctor, but I think the biggest factor here is his high ST. He always seemed better at keeping his GS at 8 or 9, even though he was playing a lot more than other players. Who still had difficulty keeping their GS at 9 or 8, they do have lower ST though. That's why I think ST has a big difference in keeping GS high.

From: lape99

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268071.6 in reply to 268071.4
Date: 2/28/2015 4:56:36 PM
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His stamina is 8.


Interesting theory and I think it might be interesting to take a look at it. Because it is strange how I manage to keep my GS pretty high, considering that I have a small roster and I am participating in the cup. Of course I still believe that ST plays a role here, because other players get less minutes a week and sometimes still can't keep their GS as high as the player with 8 ST.

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268071.7 in reply to 268071.1
Date: 3/1/2015 8:20:57 PM
Edson Rush
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I have used GS training quite extensively and have definitely noticed a drop in its effectiveness. Last season I had better GS updates when I trained stamina even when my players had 90 minutes. As well, when I didn't training GS, it wasn't uncommon for my players to pop to 9 GS when they had 80+ minutes.

GS updates are probabilistic. No number of minutes will guarantee your players pop or stay at 9. Getting a good range of minutes simply makes it more likely for your players to improve or maintain good GS.

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268071.9 in reply to 268071.8
Date: 3/2/2015 11:29:36 PM
Edson Rush
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Interesting observation. It could explain why some of my players get good GS even with high minutes (80+).