Hey guys, this might be a little random but I am curious if there was others out there that this also annoyed and if so is there a way maybe we could try get it changed?
with the "I am familiar with the star players, and am not afraid that they will be transferred" rating in the fan surveys it doesnt really make any sense. If you cut your rookies from your draft this rating is affected. why? especially if they are duds! I mean they arent "star" players and nor would your fans be "familiar" with them. so why is this affected?
The reason it annoys me because obviously this hurts your overall fan rating and in turn can affect your attendance for a few weeks losing you income.
I know it may be out of anyones ability but i was hoping maybe, if this is something that annoys other lads out there too, that there was a way to try get it altered?
maybe im dreaming but i think it is a blight on an awesome game.