"Therefore, we decided replace the current system with one that determines free agency eligibility based on a wider range of parameters like age, potential and a total skill point count, all the while making sure the cream of the crop doesn't end up retired, as the wouldn't in real life. Older players have a higher tendency to retire and enjoy their hard earned cash, which means that in order to be free transfered, they need to have a wide range of skills. However, young players compensate their lack of skills with high potential. This will surely change the range and flavor of free agents in the market, making them more spread out over the age spectrum, evening out some price discrepancies."
Read that again. It says NOTHING about decreasing the free agents available. In fact, it makes it sound like it increases the free agents available and they are selected more carefully than ever before. Now that we have learned it was exactly the OPPOSITE of that, I'm afraid your credibility is going to be really shaky for the foreseeable future. Deception such as this, that appears so deliberate and carefully thought out, can not help but make people suspicious, and in my honest opinion rightly so. Nothing to date has made it so obvious that the change is intended to take care of experienced coaches who train players for profit and to the detriment of all other coaches at all levels who play the game to win basketball games, and to the detriment of the game as a basketball game.
It reads to me that older players are much more likely to not to go to FA, while younger ones will. Older players need a wide range of skills, while younger ones who wouldn't have previously qualified who have higher potential may now. If your understanding was that this would increase the older number of free agents despite the explicit words that "older players have a higher tendency to retire" then it's clear the only deception you're a victim of was one of reading comprehension.
If Marin wants to re-open this, he's more than welcome to. It's not a bug.
Closing threads you do not like does nothing to solve the problem and only cements the loss of credibility I spoke of. Failing to even address the problem adds to the loss of credibility.
Clearly a large number of users are disappointed in the change in FA and feel deceived. That is why so many "bugs" are being reported and you have to close thread after thread to try to discourage conversation of this disastrous change. You can say "It reads to me that older players are much more likely to not to go to FA, while younger ones will," but it obviously is not working that way in example after example after example after example after example after example ...
The change could have gone in one of two ways: (1) reduce FA's, make TA players ever more expensive, increase the profit of experienced managers who
train and then sell players, ignore strategies to win games, ignore inexperienced managers who are trying to win games, ignore competitive balance, raise training young players to the apex of importance ... or, (2) add the necessary FA's to bring down the cost of transfer players, giving all levels of team a better choice of ways to develop rosters and win games, enhancing competition at all divisional levels, generally creating a more balanced competitive
basketball sim, raising the importance of
strategies to win games to the apex.
The announcement made it sound like the latter would happen. Sadly, the former happened and marin is digging in his heels. It is certainly his right to turn this site into a
training-for-profit sim, as he has done. It is the users right to go find a
basketball sim.