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Attendance Bug?

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From: jista26
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Date: 9/2/2015 12:40:50 PM
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Is it possible there is an attendance bug from last night (9/1 game)? I am in first place in my conference, won my previous game, prices for bleachers are in line with how many I have and I saw an very unexpected decline in my attendance. Link to arena follows below. Thanks in advance for the help! (

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273379.2 in reply to 273379.1
Date: 9/2/2015 2:52:39 PM
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Only reason I can see is you were playing an under .500 team, so less people were excited about the game and came to see it. Bleachers are more affected by this than any other seat.

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273379.3 in reply to 273379.2
Date: 9/2/2015 4:53:52 PM
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That crossed my mind as well, but wanted to check as it seemed like a deep hit. That's the dip I usually take when I am playing poorly and/or lost my previous game.

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273379.4 in reply to 273379.3
Date: 9/4/2015 1:02:00 PM
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Second Team:
Attendance number are affected by the state of the other teams fans, if they're unhappy, the attendance will drop.

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273379.5 in reply to 273379.4
Date: 9/4/2015 5:16:12 PM
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Got it, thanks for the follow up!

From: Jay_m

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273379.6 in reply to 273379.4
Date: 9/5/2015 10:28:09 AM
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I think the crash is more than expected. I went from selling out at 11,000 bleachers to 4318 bleachers despite everything else positive, presumably still including the promotion boost. I raised my ticket price to 17 from 13 which would cause a decrease but a 60% decline seems steep.


Last edited by Jay_m at 9/5/2015 10:31:12 AM

From: BB-Marin

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273379.7 in reply to 273379.6
Date: 9/5/2015 10:59:17 PM
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Second Team:
That price raise is very abrupt and with some other factors can explain the drop. If you raised all of the prices, that is going to hurt you too. You'll dial in the prices eventually but it takes time and patience. Or you can ask for advice on the forums, I'm pretty sure there are some tools or at least formulas that can help you get it right sooner.

From: Jay_m

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273379.8 in reply to 273379.7
Date: 9/5/2015 11:52:44 PM
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I raised only the bleachers and it went from completely sold out to ~30% fill rate. I expected to go from 11,000 to 8,000 or so not to 4,000. Note that I'm in first place in the division, won the TV game, beat my division rival and won the last game with the promotion bonus.

From: BB-Marin

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273379.10 in reply to 273379.8
Date: 9/7/2015 3:47:43 AM
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Second Team:
I have to agree that it looks suspicious. So far, I have found no definite proof it's a bug, but we can easily determine if your attendance was unfairly low when we see your next home match attendance. If it continues to be this low or similar, then the ticket rise is the reason for the drop. If not, then we'll consider taking other measures.

@Marvel: I don't think the drop you experienced is of the same severity as this one. You can see that your arena attendance jumped as much as that or more often during the last season.

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273379.11 in reply to 273379.4
Date: 9/10/2015 5:09:07 AM
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It makes more sense the attendance number be affected by the other team's campaign then by the other team fans' state of mind.