i read about in the forums that you should build up your arena asap.
I started a few weeks ago and already upgraded it. I read that you should first upgrade the expensive ones.
But i do have a problem with the prices. Can you give me a hint how to adjust them. Learning by doing is hard because you can change them only so few times.
This is my current arena:
Bleachers : 5000 (Current Price: $11) (Price as of 10/3/2015: $11)
Lower Tier : 500 (Current Price: $45) (Price as of 10/3/2015: $45)
Courtside Seats : 100 (Current Price: $135) (Price as of 10/3/2015: $135)
Luxury Boxes : 20 (Current Price: $750) (Price as of 10/3/2015: $750)
Total Capacity : 5620
Season Ticket Holders: 670 (As of the beginning of the season)
These were the last games:
9/8/2015 bc lessenich 07 5000 484 100 7 5591
9/1/2015 Degeneration-X Dortmund 5000 445 91 7 5543
8/22/2015 Factor Kork 4111 500 100 7 4718
So maybe increase the price of bleacher by 1, lower tier und court side seems fine but the boxes are quite bad.
Esspecially what would you upgrade next und how would you change the prices?
I appreciate every kind of help
Thanks in advance.