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high salary players on bot teams

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Date: 10/2/2015 9:07:14 AM
TIP IN Berlin ´96
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Hello everyone,

I hope I´ll get this thread on the right place...if not excuse me please! ;)

In our german league III.9 we have a Team - Ratinger Lions (26161) - which has become a bot Team this season. The roster of this Team looks like there are still all players the manager had bought, in my opinion the higher paid players should be on the open market, on the trading list...?! I´m just not sure wich salary the players have to have, to get on the trading list when the franchise becomes a bot team. I guess there are new rules for that one since the start of the season.
I play this team tomorrow, so there may be no changes on the roster until I have to play this team as a real opponent, not a bot team.

Maybe I´m not the only one who has such a problem?

Thanks alot for your help guys! Best regards, Chuck

Scout for the german U-21 & NT team -------------------------------------------------------- S38/39 U-21-coach Misr/Egypt ------------------------------------------------------------------ S38 african championship semi finalist & WR from 95 to 70 with a bunch of scrubs! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 seasons in a row german III.9
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273751.2 in reply to 273751.1
Date: 10/2/2015 10:26:29 AM
Arsenal 98
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Stamford Snow Leopards
They're 1-14 and their ratings for the last game:

Outside Scoring: mediocre (high)
Inside Scoring: mediocre (high)
Outside Defence: pitiful (high)
Inside Defense: inept (medium)
Rebounding: inept (medium)
Offensive Flow: inept (medium)

looks fairly bot-y to me ;) Doubt you should be worrying.

A team in my league (the best team pre botification) has just gone bot on Monday and yet to lose any players, I'm watching to see what'll happen. Their ratings immediately dropped from 5-7-7-7-7-5 in one game to 4-5-3-3-3-5 in the next. So that's a decent example of how much a team loses just by becoming "computer managed" even with the same players. (helped by their C and PF sharing the PG duties I guess. Wonder if BB makes them put players in the wrong positions intentionally or it's just random)

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273751.3 in reply to 273751.2
Date: 10/2/2015 10:42:51 AM
TIP IN Berlin ´96
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I accept your arguments, they´re not bad. But the team has 3 players over 30K salary, one 18K, one 16K & one 14K player. In my opinion at least the three over 30K should be on the list and have to leave the team.

But thanks for your opinion!

Scout for the german U-21 & NT team -------------------------------------------------------- S38/39 U-21-coach Misr/Egypt ------------------------------------------------------------------ S38 african championship semi finalist & WR from 95 to 70 with a bunch of scrubs! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 seasons in a row german III.9
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273751.5 in reply to 273751.3
Date: 10/3/2015 10:54:06 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The requrements for free agency are stricter since two seasons ago. The players remain, so that is no bug, but you shouldn't worry, as others have already said, the team being a bot really hampers its performance.

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273751.6 in reply to 273751.5
Date: 10/3/2015 3:43:21 PM
TIP IN Berlin ´96
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Thanks alot for your answer. In the end it was a easy win for me, so I did worry too much about the salary of these three players. But the questions remains: where is the "bottom line" from the salary standpoint, at which salary goes the player "automatically" on the trade list? Is there a number or are there too many different things playing in?

I hope my english is understandable, thanks alot to everyone for your response!

Scout for the german U-21 & NT team -------------------------------------------------------- S38/39 U-21-coach Misr/Egypt ------------------------------------------------------------------ S38 african championship semi finalist & WR from 95 to 70 with a bunch of scrubs! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20 seasons in a row german III.9
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273751.7 in reply to 273751.6
Date: 10/4/2015 4:02:27 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
It is a rather complex formula that determines the eligibility line for free agency, but it's not impossible to figure out (once you've gathered enough data).