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Australia - III.11 > Season 33

Season 33

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From: Mr J
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Date: 11/26/2015 3:40:05 AM
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Anybody out there?

My name is Mr Green. Apart from shanmag I don't know any of you...yet :-)

I haven't been focused on BB for a few seasons and my aging roster and non-existent training reflect my current state of affairs.

I have a Div IV trophy and 3 x Div III trophies in my cabinet and have trained both an Argentinian (Marcelo 'Hot Rod' Rodriguez) and an Australian (Johnny 'Can Do' Dogan) on to their country's U21 NTs. I recently re-acquired Hot Rod (my favourite player) but he is long in the tooth and slowing down fast :-(

My plans this season: If I have an injury-free run (not likely with these old farts), can find additional players to plug the holes where required and get a bit of luck in tight games...I hope to win my fourth Div III trophy.

I used to enjoy doing lengthy write-ups in new divs on the chances of those in it but...

...this place is a ghost town now compared to the former glory days of 60k+ users.

If anyone is out there (insert 'I am Legend' quote) and want to comment on my shitty team or their chances this season or, hell...anything at all...please do.

Mr Green

From: Ben Sath

To: Mr J
This Post:
275496.2 in reply to 275496.1
Date: 12/3/2015 5:48:53 PM
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Mr Green,

There is life out here in the wastelands of Div 3.

I reckon your 'experienced' roster should take out the title barring any injuries otherwise I give Lockdown D a pretty good chance if he stops taking it easy.

Hoping you've got a bit saved away when you make Div 2 though, otherwise we'll be having this conversation in Season 35.

I'm hoping to finish in the top 4 while training up my new HOF recruits and possibly make a proper run in 2-3 seasons time.

it'll be good to get this forum back up and running, it's nice to play some banter to make things interesting

From: Mr J

This Post:
275496.3 in reply to 275496.2
Date: 12/4/2015 7:36:20 AM
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Hey there, Ben. Yeah I hear you about another conversation like this in season 35. Lol

As for LockdownD...I think they are the team to beat.

As for my geriatric roster, I think they will end up in the nursing homes before the season finishes. Yeah I will have some cash to upgrade but would prefer not to.

Your team is looking good and will, imo, easily finish top 4.

I'm going to be in Vietnam for 5 weeks over christmas and am trying to decide whether to set my games now (dangerous and sure to guarantee I will not win championship) or sell up. I would rather try and play out this season. Will decide soon.

Anyway, good to chat. Hopefully others can get involved too.

Mr Green

From: el_magico

To: Mr J
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275496.4 in reply to 275496.3
Date: 12/9/2015 10:14:15 AM
The Dark Passenger
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Hi guys,

I've been here for few seasons, but joining the forum is really a big effort for me lol

Anyway, as every season, I am up there in the top 2-3, but I never cared so much to win and go for season 2, I should say last year was the good year but the team that beated me (don't remember the name) decided to buy a couple of extremely strong players for the playoff finals and, of course, he won.

Let's see how it goes this year, I am not really focusing too much, I wish I could spend more time here

Anyway, Mr Green, I think you definitely will finish 1st in your div and you also have very good chances to win the season as well. I'll try my best to beat you, nothing personal obviously. Have fun!
Ben, we are both veterans of this league. You have always been a hard team to beat!

PS English is not my first language, please don't judge any grammar mistakes

This Post:
275496.5 in reply to 275496.4
Date: 12/21/2015 4:26:26 PM
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Thanks mate, we've had our battles over the year but I think you've got the wood on me this year.

Mr Green, why the sudden change of heart selling all your players?

Suddenly Villains has come from noone to be the fav to take out the league.

This Post:
275496.6 in reply to 275496.4
Date: 12/21/2015 4:26:27 PM
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Thanks mate, we've had our battles over the year but I think you've got the wood on me this year.

Mr Green, why the sudden change of heart selling all your players?

Suddenly Villains has come from noone to be the fav to take out the league.

This Post:
275496.7 in reply to 275496.6
Date: 12/22/2015 6:08:20 AM
The Dark Passenger
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yeah, that's the thing I don't really like of this game... suddenly someone buys 5 super players just for playoffs and wins the league

This Post:
275496.8 in reply to 275496.7
Date: 12/22/2015 6:25:35 AM
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I agree, I think there should be more reward for roster continuity, probably from a game shape perspective.

For example, the longer you've been on the roster, the higher your game shape can go without taking it easy.

Then guys like you and I would be in with more of a chance

This Post:
275496.9 in reply to 275496.8
Date: 12/24/2015 6:19:06 AM
The Dark Passenger
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yeah, that's true.
Btw, I am out of the tournament now as well... just focus on the league! ahah

From: Mr J

This Post:
275496.10 in reply to 275496.5
Date: 1/14/2016 7:19:43 AM
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Hey mate. I sold up the team as i decided to go on holiday. Ive been in Vietnam this season and wont be back until season end. With unreliable internet while travelling from city to city i didnt want to risk missing lineups. When i go for the trophy i get it.

Will have a go in season 35. Next season will probably be some training. Not sure. Im in a lull with BB at the moment.

Im going to just watch you guys a bit 😉

From: Mr J

To: Mr J
This Post:
275496.11 in reply to 275496.10
Date: 1/16/2016 4:17:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Why am I still in 3rd place on the ladder? lol
