But at least were you born!?
Yes Joe, I was 2 years old, already a big boy

But obviously too young to grasp what was going on at that time.
How can you talk about a marketing product in 1977 ?
You are right ofcourse, i actually meant the marketing machine that it became later and certainly that it is today. Because in present time, it is more marketing than anything else. But i agree when you say the first movies were better and were the real "original" ones. Now, it's just about making money, and that's sad. Because i already heard a lot of feedback about SW fans about the last movie, and they weren't really thrilled by it.
But you don't need to get excited about it Joe, i absolutely understand how you feel, because my brother is also a big SW fan...and discussions arise once and again if i dare to touch the subject, lol. Just expressed my own opinion, that's all.
PS : are we
trashtalking now before tonight's game ?
Last edited by Eagle at 12/26/2015 8:00:36 AM