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Game prep not used?

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From: Surpomp
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Date: 2/6/2016 1:20:54 PM
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I wonder why my game preperations does not count. I am playing a team that has used the same tactic and not been loggen on for a while, so I was pretty certain about how they were going to play. They are playing the tactic and pace I predicted, but my game prep is not showing at all. I checked several times that the set up was correct before the match to be sure, so I would make it to the finals and the extra money. My team is fresh and most likely not good enough to beat them without correct game prep, even though I have better game shape, enthusiasm and a full team. I am quite furious at the moment, and seriously hope I win regardless. I am using chrome. I've have to log in twice every time. How hard is it to program it for different browsers?!

You don't have to be a genius to foresee the tactic of this match...

I've tried loading the set up, but it does not show (maybe it is not available before the match is over). I played this game for several years with another team a few years ago, and I know how to use the menus and tactic setup.

This is the game in question:

Last edited by Surpomp at 2/6/2016 1:40:17 PM

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276409.2 in reply to 276409.1
Date: 2/9/2016 7:12:41 AM
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Our logs show that the match tactics were set twice, on the 3rd and the 5th of February, both not having GDP set up. Did you have any errors when submitting tactics?

I too am mostly using Chrome. What do you mean by having to log in twice?

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276409.3 in reply to 276409.2
Date: 2/9/2016 2:42:21 PM
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I log in using username and password. The page loads, and have to log in once more to get to the news page. Every time.

After this I am submitting twice every time I set tactics and submit changes in draft order. But I can't keep doing that. Could it be the same issue that my GDP did not register? I cleared browser cookies and such not long before I got my team, so that should not be an issue. I don't know what else it could be.

I had adblock activated. Has there been any conflicts reported with that?

Last edited by Surpomp at 2/9/2016 2:44:53 PM

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276409.4 in reply to 276409.3
Date: 2/10/2016 2:40:47 AM
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Possibly. We don't support activating adblock for obvious reasons. Try without and let's see what happens.

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276409.5 in reply to 276409.4
Date: 2/10/2016 3:15:18 PM
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Adblock is on as a default on my computer, but I have paused it on all pages on the BB domain. Still don't see any adverts. I didn't have to log in twice though.

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276409.6 in reply to 276409.5
Date: 2/11/2016 7:42:55 AM
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Second Team:
Seems like some for of adblocker is still on, if you don't have Supporter, you should see ads.