I wonder why my game preperations does not count. I am playing a team that has used the same tactic and not been loggen on for a while, so I was pretty certain about how they were going to play. They are playing the tactic and pace I predicted, but my game prep is not showing at all.
I checked several times that the set up was correct before the match to be sure, so I would make it to the finals and the extra money. My team is fresh and most likely not good enough to beat them without correct game prep, even though I have better game shape, enthusiasm and a full team. I am quite furious at the moment, and seriously hope I win regardless. I am using chrome. I've have to log in twice every time. How hard is it to program it for different browsers?!
You don't have to be a genius to foresee the tactic of this match...
I've tried loading the set up, but it does not show (maybe it is not available before the match is over). I played this game for several years with another team a few years ago, and I know how to use the menus and tactic setup.
This is the game in question:
http://www.buzzerbeater.com/match/89042108/reportMatch.as...Last edited by Surpomp at 2/6/2016 1:40:17 PM