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Suggestions > About money and wages

About money and wages

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Date: 3/15/2016 5:53:59 PM
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Prices aren't problem. Problem is your financial policy. You input new taxes, that cut earnings. I remember more than 7 y ago prices was high. But players had money for shoping on TL.
Now I'm - 20k weekly. And my player salaries are below salaries border. It's stupid.

Too much revenue is one of the reason prices are so high. You say that your revenue aren't able to produce benefit, but you don't talk about your expenses, except low players salaries. What do you spend in staff and scouting ? Also, you might want to take care of your seats prices to generate more revenue.

My revenue and expense are out of controle. And I know about it. But it non sense that I must pay extra charge for low salaries, when my staff earn 3 times more than my players. Why salaries of players and staff are not counted together?

In that case, the salary floor would be increased to take into account the staff salary as well. As of now, that is not the case, but you can propose it on the Suggestions forum.

I pasting here my little debate with EGM-Perpete from other topic.

Yeah... I understand that You want to prevent keeping money, but I spend a lot of money. Not only for a players. You charge me because my players earn less than a wages border. But you tax cost me - 20 k weekly to budget.

Last edited by RiciRicardo at 3/15/2016 5:54:34 PM

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277961.2 in reply to 277961.1
Date: 3/15/2016 5:58:54 PM
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And more...
Couple sasons ago You charge me when my players earned more - it was to much. But where is fun from game? You put too many requirements and restrict the freedom

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277961.4 in reply to 277961.2
Date: 3/16/2016 11:44:35 AM
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You made 11 million from transfers and still are hovering in a low division like a boss. I'd tax you even more.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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277961.5 in reply to 277961.4
Date: 3/17/2016 7:51:35 PM
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Thats not the point. It might be a novice bb use as well. I don't care abaut that lost money. I have enough on my bb account. But this tax can be not fair. My team is only example.
I should decide how I prefer spend money. If I want to pay more for staff wages than player wages I'm in worst situation than user who pay the same money but for player wages.
Hi will be not charge extra and I must pay extra. That situation is not fair.
My players earn 35 K. Salary border is 65 k. I must give 30k extra in tax. But I pay 100k for staff wages.

And yes I know I can found cheaper staff or change ticket price - I don't searching for advice. I think staff wages and player wages should be counted together. And tax should be pay when you pay not enough for all your personnel.

Although my players earn so low wages I still must pay Overextension Tax.

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277961.6 in reply to 277961.5
Date: 3/17/2016 11:09:43 PM
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I should decide how I prefer spend money.

You do decide how you prefer to spend your money. Deciding poorly is why you are losing it. If rules weren't in place to stop tanking, most teams would have even less player salaries than you without any staff. Success comes from adapting to change, not complaining about it...