I'm writing on behalf of this user
(48953). He reported me that the News page and the Training page are saying something different regarding yesterday's training.
He was convinced to train Inside Def. and he pasted me (only text, so if needed I'll ask him a screen) what follows:
News page:
15/04/2016 - Mark Farr annuncia che l'allenamento di questa settimana, dedicato a
Difesa in area, è completo. (Inside Def.)
Training page:
Data Riepilogo Allenamenti
> 15/04/2016 One on One SF PF
> Claudio Pupino ↑scattato↑ in Tiro da sotto da sufficiente a rispettabile (pop in IS)
> Johny Morot ↓calato↓ in Tiro da sotto da sufficiente a mediocre (drop in IS)
Could it be only a presentation bug or for somewhat there has been an issue?