In the training section in Manage My Team page, it displays correctly
( Current Training:
Jump Shot for SG / SF
Age Name Min
19 Barlas Hümayun 48+
24 Artem Mudry 48+
19 Thanassis Kazakos 48+
21 Fivos Mponiatis 48+
36 Simon Ruchaud 34
...and 2 other players
However, in the Player's Training History page, the current training minutes are not correct
Barlas Hümayun 38 minutes --->
( (here, cup training mins not included)
Artem Mudry 33 minutes --->
( (here, cup training mins not included)
Thanassis Kazakos 10 minutes --->
( (here, cup training mins not included)
Fivos Mponiatis 48 minutes ---->
( (here, everything is correct)
Simon Ruchaud 0 minutes ---->
( (here, Tuesday's training mins not included)
Display bug or something more? Everything else in the player's training summary seems correct, so i suppose that you only have to fix a display bug in the current training minutes in Players Training History page.
Thanks in advance for your attention and your time.