So, do to some very unfortunate luck with minutes my first two games, my training minutes were slightly off and I was hoping for "Bench1" in the following list to get at least 1 minute at PF to get the 48+.
SG: Starter1, Bench1, Reserve1
SF: Starter2, Starter2, Starter2
PF: Starter3, Bench2, Bench1
Strictly Follow Depth Chart, Let Them Play selected. 10 total players.
With about 15 minutes to go Starter1 gets injured. So I think, darn, there's no chance I'll get that training minute. But about 5 minutes later, Reserve1 gets subbed in for Starter2. To me, it would seem *less* likely that Starter2 gets booted since there would be only 9 players remaining and Bench1 has somewhere else to go.
I definitely expected to have a good chance at some minute messups due to my quirky setup, but I'm wondering if maybe the injury gave the computer extra leeway. So I guess it messed up in a way I didn't expect. If my STarter2 were subbed out, I would have expected it to happen a little in the game.