Ok, seems like I trot out this suggestion every few seasons. Here we go again...
I believe that the stadium shouldn't be something that is, biblically speaking, "set in stone". We should have the ability to tear down seats, re-allocate our "space". Given there's effectively an attendance cap for us, we should be able to toy with the effectiveness of our *build*. Of course, this would come at a cost (50% of building? So - $100/$350/$1000/$8000), but there are several reasons why this would be a GOOD idea.
- mirrors *real life* (not a big issue for me, but some care about this)...
- gives the opportunity for those that have built too many of one seat type to 'repair' their arena (yup, I screwed up my arena - a lil'...)
- something that costs cash, and those most likely to use it are in all likelihood those who have accumulated quite a bit of cash...
- endgame content.
Can't think of any negatives... tho' given this community, I'm sure someone will come up with something!
http://with-malice.com/ - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan