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Rankings Formula (thread closed)

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From: Jason
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Date: 10/9/2016 4:08:06 AM
Arizona Desert Storm
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I know the rankings formula punishes a team when they play a team that is punting, or a vastly lower salaried payroll. However, tonight I went into a game that against a team that was #45 and I was #95. His team is tanking, so he doesn't have a payroll comparative to the norm in our division. So my team won 119-53, and we dropped 3 spots in the rankings, (not a surprise), and he rose 3 spots in the rankings (big surprise). We both exited the Cup in the same that is not a factor.

Based on that, I can't think of a scenario in which the losing team should rise in the rankings, and the winning team should drop. If it's not a bug, it's a flaw in the formula.

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282466.3 in reply to 282466.2
Date: 10/9/2016 6:42:19 PM
Arizona Desert Storm
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Like in tennis, rankings is made over a rolling period.


My bad, I thought this was basketball.

From: Jason

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282466.5 in reply to 282466.4
Date: 10/10/2016 3:42:21 AM
Arizona Desert Storm
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I thought we were talking about rankings?

Anyway there is a good place to look when in doubt about something, the game manual.

Exactly...I think this makes my point even more...If the winning team gets the majority of the ranking points...then it doesn't make sense how the winning team would drop 3 spots, and the losing team would move up 3 spots.

I know the theory here is that the few ranking points the losing team received was enough to push them past the 3 nearest ranked teams, and the 3 teams chasing the winning the team were close enough that even with the win, it was enough for those teams to jump ahead...but when you have a net difference of 6 spots in the polls, and it favors the losing team...that does not make sense whether that is a bug, flaw in the formula, intentional or unintentional.

Last edited by Jason at 10/10/2016 3:43:32 AM

From: Tesse

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282466.6 in reply to 282466.5
Date: 10/10/2016 5:48:56 AM
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Second Team:
The Milk
Once again it's a rolling window. So it's not as much about this result and what they both gained/lost but more about the result x seasons ago that's not counted anymore because it happened long ago. Apparently team A did something really nice back then that's now not counted anymore and team B did something shitty that's now not counted anymore.

Unrelated to team A beating team B they both removed the old result from their rolling window which influences their ranking.

If you really want to understand it have a look for example at the ranking of the Dutch team at the start of Season 35:

5/30/2016 7:30:00 PM 46 England 111 - 125 (Replay) 31 Nederland SC
6/6/2016 4:30:00 PM 63 Scotland 89 - 129 (Replay) 31 Nederland
6/13/2016 4:30:00 PM 22 Nederland 112 - 99 (Replay) 60 Danmark

We didn't go from the 31 to 22 because it's super impressive to beat Scotland (no offense). But we rose from 31 to 22 because exactly 2 seasons ago we lost a match to a way lower ranked team, which got removed from the rolling window between 6/6 and 6/13:

11/23/2015 6:00:00 PM 62 Crna Gora 101 - 96 (Replay) 28 Nederland

So it's not as much about the new match but more about the old match that is removed.

Crunchy! If you eat fast enough
From: Jason

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282466.7 in reply to 282466.6
Date: 10/10/2016 6:05:24 AM
Arizona Desert Storm
Overall Posts Rated:
I appreciate you taking the time to respond, and I certainly do not mean any disrespect by what I am about to say...I understand the concept...I am not saying I do not understand... i am saying it's stupid!

If I beat you today, nothing in the past should cause me to drop, and you to rise. I understand the rankings are based over time...I understand it's a rolling window as you call it...I also understand the rankings are more of a perception of the direction your team is going in combined with how it has performed over the last 2-3 seasons that factors in multiple variables.

This can make sense to me if in this scenario where one of the teams doesn't move in the rankings, and the other does...but when the winning team drops in rankings, and the losing team improves their ranking..that is stupid.

This is a game based on numbers and stats. When I taught my son math, one of things I frequently told him is that one of the cool things about math is that numbers don't lie...In real life they don't lie...In BuzzerBeater they lie like a cheating husband.

There are too many things about BB where either a "random factor" takes precedence...or where the numbers just don't ad up. Perhaps this is why the game is not any better than it was 6 years ago, and why we are not only not growing, but losing people.

You and I are just players in this game....but as for the EGMs and BBs, rather than trying to placate us with silly answers or justify things that are answer would be better if they are not going to make an effort to improve the game.

In the grand scheme of things, the rankings do not matter at all. Your ranking has no relevance to whether you can win your league or Cup Championship...a good ranking doesn't provide any extra opportunity and a bad ranking won't hold you back...but if we are going to have rankings in the would be kind of cool if they were at least somewhat realistic. The #1 team in the USA is 0-11....Clearly the past 3 seasons he earned being #1...but the party is over now...There are more than 500 teams in the USA that could easily beat that team the way they are built...But apparently he has to lose enough games to convince the games ranking algorithm that he is no longer worthy of being #1, despite having not won a single game at the halfway point of the season.

Those are just my opinions....I didn't intend to start a debate :-) But again, in a numbers game, I personally wish the numbers actually mean what they represent.