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Suggestions > Player nationality change

Player nationality change

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From: nebi
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Date: 1/20/2017 1:01:22 PM
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So... If player didnt play for national team in last 5 seasons... And it played in same country during that period... Allow this player to change nationality (like in real life).

PS: If player has great potential, national team should call him and allow him to play 1-5 min every 4 seasons...

Last edited by nebi at 1/20/2017 1:02:27 PM

From: Knecht

To: nebi
This Post:
284524.2 in reply to 284524.1
Date: 1/23/2017 9:51:26 AM
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(like in real life).

Unfortunately this is not real life

Many suggestions about changing a nationality have been made in the past and most of them have been shot down or ignored.

I would support any change that would allow us to: give Utopians a real nationality and/or change a nationality of a player that is not used by its NT.

This would immediately help (very) small nations, by adding strenght to the NT, without hurting the big nations. I think parity among NTs is something we should and need to look into a lot.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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284524.3 in reply to 284524.2
Date: 1/23/2017 10:30:39 AM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
I liked your suggestion before of giving Utopians a real nationality. As I remember you proposed it in a way that would favour smaller nations. I see no reason why this simple and elegant solution could be opposed.

From: Knecht

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284524.5 in reply to 284524.4
Date: 1/24/2017 5:21:39 AM
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I have suggested something similar before to with the thought to slightly strengthen the smaller nations against the bigger nations. It would do a lot of good for the NT scene if done in a good way.

I can understand that I don't have enough weight to make things happen, but why on earth don't they listen to you GMs?

Frustrating once again.

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
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284524.6 in reply to 284524.5
Date: 1/24/2017 6:41:29 AM
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I have suggested something similar before to with the thought to slightly strengthen the smaller nations against the bigger nations. It would do a lot of good for the NT scene if done in a good way.

I can understand that I don't have enough weight to make things happen, but why on earth don't they listen to you GMs?

Frustrating once again.

It's because GM's are still normal users. We don't get to influence policy (since that could give us an advantage) nor should any staffmember (other than the BB's) have any more influence.

If GM's were to have an influence (or if BB's reacted faster to GM's suggestion) then that would mean that being a GM holds an advantagious position (in comparison to the rest of the community). right now a GM has multiple tasks (approving new users, investigating the reports made by the community and follow up on those reports, provide enough evidence to punish a cheater, moderate the forum & in some events, are responsible for correct translations (about 40% of the GM's have addition LA duties)

If you look at any of those tasks, is there any task that gives us a competitive advantage over non staffmember? We can't investigate cases within our own division (since we could potentially be direct beneficiaries), we can't handle cases where we know the user personally (since it clouds the judgement).

Even though we keep repeating it, GM's hold no larger influence or power when it comes to deciding what happens in BB than any normal user do.

Manon, Foto, i or any other GM could say what we want, it won't influence the BB's decisions (nor should it! otherwise you create a group of individuals who can use that advantage to steer the game into a direction that befits them more than their opponents!)

not sure how many times we (the GM's) are going to have to repeat ourselves. We are no different from the non staff members when it comes to information or competitiveness. The only difference is that the GM's are empowered with tools to do right by the community, following a standard that is set by the BB's and have the responsibility to remind & enforce the rules set out by the BB's (and punish if need be). You can look at the LA in the same way. He's supposed to provide a translation for anything that gets changed or edited in the original text. They too don't get information up ahead (Not even the parts that need to be translated like news announcements or how new rules work). they only get that information once it has been officially released to the community, after which they are required to provide a translation as soon as they can.

This Post:
284524.7 in reply to 284524.6
Date: 1/24/2017 8:20:22 AM
Durham Wasps
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Sunderland Boilermakers
not sure how many times we (the GM's) are going to have to repeat ourselves. We are no different from the non staff members when it comes to information or competitiveness.

However, in the context of this discussion there's the matter of respect given to people's views. Its human nature to treat people differently and for the words they say to be judged by not just who they are, but our opinion of who they are.

Therefore in this discussion its very likely that Manon's view carries more weight then Knecht's or mine, merely because both Knecht and I have been critical of the staff in general, and the BBs specifically. So Knecht is undeniably correct to feel Manon's opinion, even as a normal user (your words), will be more respected.

This Post:
284524.9 in reply to 284524.8
Date: 1/24/2017 11:46:25 AM
Durham Wasps
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Second Team:
Sunderland Boilermakers
But yet again when it comes down to if a suggestion is good or not i really hope none of that matters.

We can all hope.

This Post:
284524.10 in reply to 284524.6
Date: 1/24/2017 12:32:46 PM
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If you really have no influence as a GM I somehow feel you are even dumber than the regular user who still hangs around.

At least you can harass and fine people. Oh and free supporter yay!

Größter Knecht aller Zeiten aka His Excellency aka President for Life aka Field Marshal Al Hadji aka Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas aka aka Conqueror of the Buzzerbeater Empire in Europe in General and Austria in Particular
This Post:
284524.11 in reply to 284524.10
Date: 1/24/2017 2:22:11 PM
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If you really have no influence as a GM I somehow feel you are even dumber than the regular user who still hangs around. XD

If that is how you feel, i pity you. Seems like you have yet to discover something that you really like and genuinely want to contribute too. All you seem to enjoy is being a genuine nuisance and irritate people. I pity that you haven't found something yet that you genuinely like. In BB i found a game which was fun, worth my time and had a community who genuinely was worth the time invested into it. the BB community used to be like a beautiful garden. Alas, the BB's are forgiving people and force the GM's to abide by a much to generous code. Else we would have been able to remove weeds long ago.

At least you can harass and fine people.

Just proves my point that you take pleasure in annoying others. Unlike you, i dislike the punishing part. Each time i dish out a punishment, be it a warning, a forumban, a fine or a game ban, i pity the guy receiving it. For he felt the need to
a) either abuse others on the forum or by bbmail
b) cheat so that he would progress faster
c) failed to live by the simple code of conduct that was put together by the BB's, giving the best possible chances for a beautiful BB garden to prosper.
The one thing that lets me do my job as GM, is that at the end of the day, i know i've done my best to positively contribute to the game of that i genuinely like playing, even if that involves having to do some of the less pleasant work. That when i log in the next time, the game will be all the better for it. Should the day arrive that i no longer feel the motivation to eradicate as much weeds from BB that i can, then that will be the day that i quit as a GM. And i'm pretty sure that more than a couple of users would be sad to see that day arrive (although i doubt you will be one of them.)

Oh and free supporter yay! B)

XD i doubt there is a single GM who does his work just because they get a free supporter package. a supporterpackage is 12 USD for 3 months. that means 4 USD for per month. 4 USD for the amount of time GM's spend to be online is a joke. We do the job cause we want to contribute in the best possible way to game. If that implies doing the nasty stuff so that others don't have to, then I (and i think i speak for any GM for that matter) will gladly do it. If the BB's deem it fit to reward us with a supporter package, then we gracefully accept that token of appreciation for all the hours we invest in this game. Each GM does this job, cause he wishes to positively contribute to the game and is willing to invest the time to make positive contributions. I'm truly astonished you are still having difficulty understanding that. i would have reckoned that people with even limited brain capability would have understood that within a year of playing the game. Maybe i think to highly of certain users in this community. XD But i much prefer to make than assumption and thus i'll keep believing that there is still more good than bad in this community. For when the day arrives that the previous statement doesn't hold truth anymore, means that the game which i enjoy so much has been tainted by too many weeds & that i've failed to call a stop to it