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PR staff advantage

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From: FE
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Date: 4/8/2017 8:24:33 PM
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Hello there,

I was wondering if anyone had done any research on the benefit of the PR manager speciality?

Is the benefit on par with, say, crunch timing an away game for 'national appeal' specialty?

Any feed back would be super.

From: Nicolas

To: FE
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286224.2 in reply to 286224.1
Date: 4/10/2017 4:28:07 AM
Tbilisi Mavericks
Umaglesi Liga
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I havent done any research, but could give you my example of last season.
I finished the season on 4th place and won the National Championship not having a home court advantage through the playoffs. I had lvl 4 PR manager with "national appeal". Though, I have no clue how big was his effect on the outcome.

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286224.4 in reply to 286224.3
Date: 4/11/2017 6:38:39 PM
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i wouldn't pay anything, but i would make sure they give either a home court or away bonus. i figure that alone is worth 3 or 4 points a game. i can't say anything about their effect on attendance -- my guess it pretty much matches their salary.

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286224.6 in reply to 286224.5
Date: 4/11/2017 10:29:17 PM
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level 3, but i really couldn't tell you why.

This Post:
286224.7 in reply to 286224.6
Date: 4/12/2017 4:06:23 AM
Tbilisi Mavericks
Umaglesi Liga
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So you guys saying that it doesnt really matter the specialization of the PR manager? Paying 15-20K for lvl4 with specialization is worth nothing? I don't know. Based on the manual, it should at least have some kind of effect, otherwise it doesnt make sense. If trainers have specialties and it is felt in the game, PR managers are also stuff members and they should also have some kind of effect. Thouhg one cant tell for sure, since we cant see this effect in concrete numbers, ratings or anything.

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286224.8 in reply to 286224.7
Date: 4/12/2017 11:45:06 AM
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To be clear, yes the PR guy has some effect. However, it is not generally believed that he will bring in enough money to make his salary back. This is why I have a minimal one.

From: FE

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286224.9 in reply to 286224.8
Date: 4/12/2017 3:11:23 PM
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And what effect, is it generally believed, the PR specialties have?

From: boule

To: FE
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286224.10 in reply to 286224.9
Date: 4/17/2017 11:35:19 AM
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Les Boulettes Utopiennes
It improves your reading skills by two words.