We all have a computer right? If one day, that computer started opening up the wrong applications, or began to type different letters to the ones I'm trying to input, we would say that the computer is glitching, bugged even.
By that logic, if I tell my CPU coach to strictly follow a depth chart where one player is listed as the starter, backup and reserve at his position, and said coach then places another player there instead for reasons other than foul out or injury, that has to be considered a glitch, a bug, a failure, and an act that would get my coach fired if I could fire them.
The fact that the BB's have insisted that this clearly bugged mechanic is not bugged for so long is absolutely unbelievable. They have to either make asking your coach to strictly follow a depth chart actually MEAN that they strictly follow the chart, or take the command out of the game entirely, since the coach can randomly refuse to comply with the order and no longer "STRICTLY" follow the depth chart.
And/or, take a third option and change the training system to, for example, the BatTrick model where you assign training sessions to your players regardless of playing time. For as long as the current training system remains unchanged, managers will continue to attempt to play their trainees for 48 minutes in a game and continue to get pissed off when a simple command to "STRICTLY" follow the depth chart is ignored.
Whichever route you take, let's end this madness BB's...