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USA - IV.24 > Season 41 Starts Here

Season 41 Starts Here

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Date: 1/2/2018 11:36:36 PM
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Hello everyone. I am Penumbra. Like many of you all, I have a Buzzerbeater problem lol.
I had a very short stint in League III. But I did better than I expected after scouting the competition.
I was able to score a draft pick I wanted but I didn't see he was 19 so I don't know how good he will be with 63 TSP.
I look forward to a new season with everyone!

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291298.2 in reply to 291298.1
Date: 2/23/2018 3:55:13 AM
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FYI: I'm using 0 scouting points in the draft this year and saving all of them for next year. I can't guarantee I'm promoting but I am hoping.
Also, if you want to improve the conference everyone should talk more. I'm the only one opening up. Talk. It makes everyone who is willing to learn even better.