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BB servers crash and players sale

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From: yoyo42
This Post:
Date: 3/12/2018 5:16:06 PM
Furania BC
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Furania BC II

at 9pm, the bb servers were crashed for many minutes (30 min at least)
at this moment, the sale of one my player ((34499651) terminated...

I think that it has been already happen. I just have my eyes to cry? :)

Thanks for information :)

From: Siwy

This Post:
292730.2 in reply to 292730.1
Date: 3/12/2018 6:59:26 PM
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Not linked, but I would like to notice, that after game crash TL time runs 70 seconds ahead of game time. Can it be caused by it?

Also, as a GM, I would like to remind our policy about game crashes. As manual says:

"When placing a player on the TL, we advise the lowest acceptable value is put as a starting price. This will insure that the player is never sold for less. Since crashes are unpredictable and virtually unpreventable (although we work very hard on avoiding them), setting a lower value is considered risky. In these cases, the seller is accepting a small possibility of a server crash with hopes of getting buyers into a bid war and selling the player for much more than the lowest acceptable value. Therefore, the responsibility lies with the seller.
It is important to note that sales finished during server downtime are never retroactively undone."

I may just say that you're very unlucky with that situation, the probability of such situation is like 1 to 1000 in my opinion. However, we can't do anything to repair it - even if I guess that you're weren't hurt by that as much.

Last edited by Siwy at 3/12/2018 7:01:52 PM

Leniwy, stary, wyliniały kocur. Czasem jeszcze zerknie na polskie tłumaczenia.
From: BB-Marin

To: Siwy
This Post:
292730.3 in reply to 292730.2
Date: 3/19/2018 6:43:18 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Yes, it might be related (the time synchronisation issue). It should be fixed now.