It is widely perceived that more aggressive players (the ones that foul out often) do get some kind of a defensive boost. So one thing to do is get his defenses to high levels (in order to magnify the boost and also have less attacks against him), but seeing that your guy is 28 y.o. that ship has sailed...
Having decent subs for your more aggressive players is another thing to consider. Increasing stamina will also help a little.
There`s not much else you can do, though. Sometimes it`s just a matter of luck. I had a guy foul out in just 10min:
(94468749) in the most important match I ever played in BB and he wasn`t even foul prone. That might well have been the first and only foul-out in his career.

Not the case with your player, obviously but my point is - don`t get angry, if nothing helps and he still pisses you off - sell him, let him do it to someone else!
Good luck!