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BB Global (English) > Economic Changes?????

Economic Changes?????

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From: Brutus
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Date: 4/17/2018 2:20:34 PM
Brutus Buckeye
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Second Team:
The Ironmen
First we saw a 50% drop in Merchandising income league wide which has been reported across many leagues here: (293766.1)

Now through the first round of games it looks like gate receipts are also down.

Was there some sort of economic change that hasn't been communicated? This season's news was lacking any kind of details or information about anything.

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293820.2 in reply to 293820.1
Date: 4/19/2018 5:58:24 AM
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I had the same problem a few seasons ago where my games went like this (in D2 Utopia) without changing seat prices or expanding:
G1: 251k
G2: 352k
G3: 350k
G4: 351k

Marin said it was because some variables reset during the offseason and that it was not a bug...go figure.

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293820.4 in reply to 293820.2
Date: 4/22/2018 4:19:29 PM
Greensboro Generals
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Stephen Hawkins theorized that we could be all living in a simulation why would it be unreasonable to think our silly little game is a universe of it's own.

For all we know the BB universe is in some sort of financial meltdown. Or maybe there is a war. Perhaps there is a mass conspiracy of PR manages skimming hoards off the top. Maybe there is some sort of controversy driving fans away from the game.

Or maybe it is a hiccup Marin will correct with a keystroke.

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