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Lets talk about free throws...

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294304.2 in reply to 294304.1
Date: 6/5/2018 7:19:08 PM
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Free throws is very important part of basketball.
If you are James Harden or Michael Jordan it certainly is. If you are Steph Curry or Larry Bird, not so much.

I agree with the general sentiment here, but the game is unbalanced because the FG% is too low in general. And that's also why the rebounding comes in and is very important in the game: more makes = fewer rebounds. I think the number of FTs is ok, what is not ok is top leagues shooting sub 30% from 3 and low 40% from the field.

However I can't understand why FTs (and stamina) cannot be trained alongside other skills. I think people should be able to allocate 0%-100% of the training to ST or FT team training.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 6/5/2018 7:20:34 PM

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294304.4 in reply to 294304.3
Date: 6/6/2018 5:08:25 AM
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What do you mean? More FT skill = more FT attempted?

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294304.8 in reply to 294304.7
Date: 6/6/2018 11:42:35 AM
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shoots 20% from the line, it would be insane weakness, in this game that barely matter at all
I disagree with this. FTs matter MORE in this game than in the NBA exactly because the FG% is so low. Both ST and FT affect FG%. It's not clear what affects FTA, probably DR and aggression are both factored in.

There are players who shoot quite a fair amount of free throws. Usually we're talking 25%-30%. In England Sharpling shot about 125 FTs on 400 FGA (a bit of an outlier season) and Innes has averaged around 85-90 FTA many seasons, so something like 90 on 340 FGA.

That isn't close to Harden's numbers of course, but Harden is also a bit of an outlier himself. You could say 35% FTA to FGA would be a better proportion for top top players in the game, but Harden's 50% is not normal. In the Euroleage FTA to FGA are also lower than the NBA.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 6/6/2018 11:44:26 AM

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294304.9 in reply to 294304.6
Date: 6/6/2018 11:49:22 AM
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Stamina also has a significant impact on FT%. I had a 90 TSP player who shot 89% with 10 FT skill. As his stamina went down from 9 to 7 and then back up over the seasons his FT% also steadily declined when his stamina went down. It might have been luck of course, but I think ST is factored in as well. He went 89>81>77>86>81 in 5 seasons. I was training so I avoided ST if I could help it.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 6/6/2018 11:55:59 AM

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294304.11 in reply to 294304.10
Date: 6/6/2018 6:40:59 PM
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In real life it's not average. At all. In the NBA the number of players with 1 FTA for 3 FGA (at least 12 shots per game) are about 10 (13 to be exact). So yeah, you can take harden's 10 FTA for 20 FGA and compare but you would be taking an outlier. FT rate is lower in the game, sure, but it pales in comparison to the lower FG%: 10% less FTA is nowhere near as bad and unrealistic as 10% lower TS%.
With a simple calculation you will find that the actual average FTA to FGA in the NBA is 25%.

Also in the B3 average FT% is in the neighborhood of 75% and average FG% is around 43% (47% TS%). In the NBA FT% is 77%, FG% 46% (but because they shoot a lot more 3s TS% is 55-56%). So there you go: 8-9% difference in TS% which in part is due to the lower FT rate, but mostly it is due to people shooting from 2 in DBB with almost the same FG% people shoot from 3 in the NBA.

I real life, a lot of players, especially young ones has far greater fouling rate.
Even if they wanted to increase the fouling rate, they would need to change the training system first.

I feel like FT are way less important in this game, to a point, no one even trains it.
All the top teams train FT, ST and possibly GS despite being less effective (but they don't train this regularly anymore). FT and ST have the highest marginal impact on performance, especially for older players, and they are much easier and faster to add than anything else. The fact that people leave them last when training is just because they do not decrease in training speed with age as much as other skills do.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 6/7/2018 4:53:38 AM