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all-star week 3-P competition

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Date: 6/4/2018 2:38:25 AM
Dynamo J. Hradec
První liga
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In the case of a tie in the all-star week three point competiton who should win? The player with more 3-point shots (regardless succesful or missed) or with more succesful 3-point shots? And are cup matches/B3 matches/friendlies/private league games taken into account? Or just league games? For me the statement on the rules page isn't clear.

Last edited by NO-15 (Слава Україні!) at 6/4/2018 2:39:16 AM

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294314.3 in reply to 294314.2
Date: 6/4/2018 6:34:10 AM
Dynamo J. Hradec
První liga
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks for your answer. And the decision criterion - is it amount of shots or scored three-pointers?

Why Száva is in finals and not Nobili or Telesmanić? (

Last edited by NO-15 (Слава Україні!) at 6/4/2018 6:36:27 AM