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Are trainer levels linear with age?

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Date: 6/6/2018 7:13:39 PM
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Goblin Juice
If you have an exceptional trainer...does his training go down at the exact same rate as a lower trainer as a player ages or do higher trainers train older players at a better rate of change than lower trainers? To make the question a little clearer lets say I have a basic trainer that an 18 year old pops 10 times...then turns 19 and pops 7 times....then 20 and 5 times....Could an exceptional (or any higher level) make the 18 year old pop 15 times as an 18 year old....14 times 19....13 times 20. So the rate the actual pops change would be slower with a better trainer. (I realize my theoretical numbers are unlikely here).

From: Apex

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294333.3 in reply to 294333.1
Date: 6/7/2018 2:05:04 PM
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The trainer level doesn't have an impact in the decrease of training speeds. Think of age as a multiplier after the level of the trainer is calculated. So if he's 18, he will receive 100% of his training, 19 he will get 90% and so on. But now, higher levels of trainers do not change the amount of training received as age is concerned.

Just gonna mention this, the difference in trainers from superior and up is very small. If I remember correctly superior is 97%, exceptional is 99%, and WR is 100%. Even advanced gives you 93%. Level 6/7 are generally recommended for NT training. While you can use them for club, they are cost inefficient.

2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.
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294333.4 in reply to 294333.1
Date: 6/12/2018 8:41:36 PM
Tamarillo Wings
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Slam Drunk Celtics
All the other are saying to you right things. The study cited by Apex was talking about this 3% difference per each level (as far as I remember, still not impressive), even though they were suggesting a potential higher cross training effect besides the "normal" one.

All that said, it's still true that clinching higher levels sooner, if properly managed, will enhance your elastic effect on other skills giving you an additional advantage over time.

Last edited by GM-samusaran (ITA-Staff) at 6/12/2018 8:42:58 PM