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Suggestions > Radical Idea for CPU Teams

Radical Idea for CPU Teams

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From: Csds
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Date: 11/5/2018 8:22:37 AM
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CPU teams serve pretty much no purpose. Its an automatic win and that is probably how it should be. No one really wants to have to compete with a cpu. CPU teams do however sometimes steal great draft prospects. That really is the fault of users not scouting but still its a pain to watch a great draftee get wasted on a cpu team. I think we can somewhat fix this by giving cpus limited training ability. Give them some very generic training plan to boost those players. Then to stop them from being too good, have them transfer those players at a fair price once their salary or tsp reaches a certain level lets say for salary roughly 8,000. I think this would create a nice market of "average players" that are middle aged which imo their seems to be a lack of.


From: Siwy

To: Csds
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297123.2 in reply to 297123.1
Date: 11/6/2018 9:26:05 AM
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It would increase the amount of work for servers. Dropping CPU teams to last place in draft order seems easier to be computed, and it would help to decrease the amount of wasted prospects too,

Leniwy, stary, wyliniały kocur. Czasem jeszcze zerknie na polskie tłumaczenia.
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297123.3 in reply to 297123.2
Date: 11/6/2018 10:29:17 AM
Diamond Dogs
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I have heard managers complain that their top prospects were robbed by a bot team because of a random draft order rule currently in place. I would prefer that they draft the worse players available in the draft or not draft players at all. What's the point if they're not gonna be trained anyway.

From: Csds

To: Siwy
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297123.4 in reply to 297123.2
Date: 11/6/2018 2:46:53 PM
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I actually like this idea better. Gives me a lot of anxiety even with the worst user team record that a bit team might get my guy.

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297123.6 in reply to 297123.4
Date: 11/6/2018 6:50:19 PM
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The only real solution would be to make the weekly investment fairer with the ability to catch a decent player .. otherwise it gives the chance to those who go down in a series of bots to win all the games without effort and to be able to choose the best players of the lottery ..

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297123.8 in reply to 297123.6
Date: 11/13/2018 9:17:23 AM
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Your misunderstanding the request. He want bots teams not to get good players in the draft because they get wasted.

Not that if you played bots .That's whole new direction of debate within it self.

Lottery is about chance, nothing fair in taking chances. it considered luck. If they add team visible strength statistics in the lottery, it will lead to exploitation. We pay for lottery every week, it should be a lump sum amount option.

For example My camp is 250k- 1 million. The bigger your camp the more attractive players you can select to come visit nothing sure or certain. Its random where they choose to go. Your staff should play a factor,maybe this is something for the future of the game just an idea.

Last edited by john otters at 11/13/2018 9:19:45 AM

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297123.10 in reply to 297123.9
Date: 11/15/2018 8:51:20 PM
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Maybe he can cut the draft from 3 players to 2 in choices.That would be a huge update