This TPE is only looking at 18 year olds, so no 33 or 35 year olds are included in it. However Marin has verified before that it is not overestimation, it comes from actual transfers made in the past.
So there was an 18 year old player of perennial allstar potential with 2000-4000 salary and 30-36 guard and 20-24 forward skill points which sold for 500k. Probably still a bad purchase, but maybe he was a spawned 60 TSP with good height and good spread on skills. I still wouldn't pay 500k for a 7 POT 18 year old, but I know people who will.
Last edited by Apex at 6/1/2019 3:45:18 PM
2x NBBA Champion: S55, S56. 3x USA Cup Champion: S54, S55, S56. WR for longest home streak ever at 11 in Season 47.