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Arena Expansion (thread closed)

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From: Ratchy
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Date: 5/11/2008 5:17:51 AM
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I expanded my arena a week or so ago and it seems there is still 8 days left for construction which is what i said a day or 2 ago.

If memory serves me correct that it should be almost finished.

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30150.2 in reply to 30150.1
Date: 5/11/2008 4:25:20 PM
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Definitely not a bug. From the rules (/BBWeb/rules.aspx?nav=Arena):

Finally, beware relying too much on construction estimates. Estimates are not exactly how many days it will take to construct your stadium, and on average, construction estimates tend to be rather optimistic. If you really, desperately need your arena expansion ready in 10 days, you should probably not trust a 10 day estimate from the construction crew.