These players were listed due to a bug during the economy update. We had to unlist them during the process of fixing the bug effects.
No Marin. At least for this STAFF member biding war was bugged.
( have screenshots of him having big at 1.6M but he has been sold for 1.27!! It looks like only certain amount of bids is acceptable in system but it has been showed more. There was biding war going on and suddenly it stopped. If this happens with players it will be much more mess on forum. If you want to see prntscrn here it is (Heberley Roman):
( his time of sale vs biding time and value of course...
Last edited by LA-zajino at 4/14/2020 8:43:41 AM
1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching