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Rival's team was forced to the market = free win?

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Date: 12/7/2020 7:51:36 PM
Adamant Spurs
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi, dear managers.

This season I'm fighting for promotion and made it to the finals. My chances are great, but now I'm given a huge present as I logged in and saw that the whole squad of my rival is up for auction for $1. It must be due to his debt, no doubt, cause even the caption "Team X put Y on transfer" didn't show.

So far even if I lose game 1, his roster will be sold, granting me easy victories in games 2 and 3. And he can't get replacement even if he finds the money. Looks like there's no intrigue in the finals, and I feel sorry about that (yeah, especially considering the fact that I was already the favourite xD). But now I'm thinking if it's safe to maximize my training.

Saying strictly, I think he can save a part of his players. I'm not really awared how bankrupcy works, but I think his balance was below -500k 2 weeks ago. And without making any moves now it should be about -600k. So if some of his guys will be sold for 600k+ (or just will be bidded for, right?), he'll be able to "selfbid" for his other players. But it requires to be online for every auction... And to be desperate enough, and to know about this feature.

Summing it up, I feel safe to let my trainees play in game 1 and win other two anyway, because it's not realistic for my opponent to recover from bankrupcy alert.
Can you tell me whether I'm right or missing a clue?

And one more unsure thing for me: if, having 200k on account, I'll get the bid of 1m for my player. My virtual balance is 1.2m, so can I bid 1.1m for that player? If yes, then nothing stops me from reraising literally any incoming bid (until seller's commission will exceed 200k) and save him. Does it work this way?

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307021.3 in reply to 307021.2
Date: 12/11/2020 6:02:52 AM
J&J team
Overall Posts Rated:
I understand that you can buy your own player. But the problem here is that you have 200K, and somebody puts a bid 1M on your player. So technicaly you can now put a bid of 1,2K on your own player but in reality you have only 200k. So after this bid your account wil have a value of -1M. I think this should be prevented in some way

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307021.4 in reply to 307021.3
Date: 12/11/2020 6:43:51 AM
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Second Team:
Little Computer People
Your credit ist 200k € and for example, the transfer fee is 5%, thus you are receiving 95% of the winning bid.

Somebody puts a bid of 1.000k €, which results in a "real" credit after the auction of 200k + 1.000k x 0,95 = 1.150k € (or a "temporary virtual credit").

Now you are finally beating the bid, for example with a bid of 1.100k €:
- you have to pay 1.100k €
+ you are receiving 1.100k x 0,95 = 1.045k €

Your new credit after the auction results to:
200k - 1.100k + 1.045k = 145k €

So whenever you are winning bidder on your own player you are loosing money (transfer tax of the final bid) and the player will be listed as a "new" player with impact to fan-acceptance, merchandising, viewer attendance ...

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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307021.5 in reply to 307021.4
Date: 12/11/2020 9:17:24 PM
Adamant Spurs
Overall Posts Rated:
Thank you a lot!
I had a concern just like JJ Team above did, but now I'm sure it works this way.
So (after you made a bid) you may have 200k on balance and projected transactions of "+1.045k" and "-1.100k" - both due to the same bid!

And yeah, that "new" players also can't play in Play-Offs and Qualifiers, leading to unavoidable forfeit.

But looks like they already couldn't play after going to the market and before buyback, just like the "boycott" the game. Looks surprising for me :)

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307021.6 in reply to 307021.2
Date: 12/14/2020 3:49:22 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
WTF. I had a 1.9 million $ bid on my player and my debt was only -800,000 and my team still went bankrupt. That means I was plus 1.1 million. If I am allowed to spend that money, why isn't it used against my debt? Stupid weak ass rules. This game will get no more of my money or time. This game just lost a player of 11 years.

Yellowcake signing off!!

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307021.7 in reply to 307021.6
Date: 12/14/2020 4:12:23 AM
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Second Team:
Little Computer People
Stop complaining, it ist in the rules for years now.

You had 2 weeks to get out of the debt - you missed that.
Your team ist not bankrupt - your players are forced to the market.

On the 16.12. you will know, if you have been fired ;-)

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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307021.9 in reply to 307021.7
Date: 12/14/2020 6:59:35 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Little Computer People
You had 2 weeks to get out of the debt - you missed that.

And now I activate "ignore Yellow cake"

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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307021.10 in reply to 307021.9
Date: 12/14/2020 7:11:15 AM
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I was out of debt.....I had 1 million dollars to spend last night. I even placed a bid on a player. How can a manager who is in debt, place a bid on a player and a new staff member? If a user can't change a bid after it is placed, why isn't that money counted towards my debt. IT IS Stupid and BB just lost a paying customer.

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307021.11 in reply to 307021.10
Date: 12/14/2020 8:00:27 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Little Computer People
I was out of debt.....I had 1 million dollars to spend last night. I even placed a bid on a player. How can a manager who is in debt, place a bid on a player and a new staff member? If a user can't change a bid after it is placed, why isn't that money counted towards my debt. IT IS Stupid and BB just lost a paying customer.

"Available cash after bids" does not count as money for the purposes of computing bankruptcy or the 5% interest penalty on a negative balance. Players must sell prior to the weekly economic update for these credits to pull you out of bankruptcy.

From the rules.

Last edited by LA-flaterik123 at 12/14/2020 8:02:15 AM

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)