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BB Belarus > National Team Speeches

National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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From: Katana
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308692.2 in reply to 308692.1
Date: 3/27/2021 10:51:32 AM
Šmartno Afera Šmarna gora '02
Overall Posts Rated:
Прывітанне, Беларусь,

Я вырашыў паспрабаваць кіраваць зборнай Беларусі, бо мне нудна перамагаць толькі ў сваім клубе :)

Калі сур'ёзна, я маю шматгадовы досвед гульні на вышэйшым узроўні, а таксама падрыхтаваў вельмі добрых гульцоў, якія цяпер з'яўляюцца членамі славенскіх, літоўскіх і партугальскіх зборных. Развіццё маладых гульцоў - адна з найважнейшых задач кіраўніка нацыянальнай каманды, і я планую засяродзіцца ў гэтым кірунку, а таксама зрабіць усё магчымае з існуючай камандай.

Калі вы хочаце адданага мэнэджэра, галасуйце за Катана.

З найлепшымі пажаданнямі

This Post:
308692.3 in reply to 308692.2
Date: 3/27/2021 12:55:57 PM
BC Vilniaus „Vytis“
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
BC Vilniaus „Riteriai”
Hello everyone, I am Benjamin Robert and this season I'm a candidate to Belarus NT Head Coach position.

First of all, I'm writing in English because it's my first foreign language but if you don't understand anything, you can easily write me down and I'll explain you everything in Russian or other language.

My career in BuzzerBeater started on 23th season, when I first created team, called Dainoreliai School Basketball. It was quite silly decision because at that moment I didn't understand this game well, so, after several seasons I got banned with that team and had to create a new one. It's 23th season playing BB with current team and I'm not going to stop! I have a lot of experience in this game - during this time, I was a head coach of Luxembourg U21 NT and Scotland U21 NT, which I have learnt a lot from. I got new experience, I understood how the NTs are working and I'm ready for different challenge - not the U21 NTs but the normal ones. November of 2020 I created the second team and my experience in this game got even larger.

I am full of ideas which I want to fullfill being a head coach of Belarus NT. I hope that you will let me work in the thing I love, which I enjoy and where all the biggest wins are only ahead!

Best regards,
Benjamin Robert