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BBAPI Support > Schema


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From: sleet
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Date: 3/29/2021 1:52:10 PM
Village Idiots
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Tranquility Base
Is the BBAPI schema still available? I'm getting a 404 error when trying to access:

Not sure if it moved elsewhere, it's being linked from

From: sleet

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308925.4 in reply to 308925.3
Date: 4/13/2021 9:35:30 PM
Village Idiots
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Tranquility Base
I am building a chat bot that can receive people's commands to return some BB data. Just trying to understand what the API is capable of.

Is there an API command for running a search query? Based on the (outdated) docs, the existing commands all require a teamID, playerID, leagueID, matchID, etc. In this use case we may have a related attribute, but not that one. For example if I have a string that contains a user or team name, and want to query its TeamID, is this possible? Or if I have a player name and want to return an array of all the playerIDs with that name...

There are some older apps that seem to get around this problem by taking the time to archive the entire player database, but that seems excessive just to replicate a search you can do in the website UI's search page.

Secondly, is it possible to search the player transfer list via a similar method?

And lastly, is NT roster, schedule, and match information available in the API? (setting teamID to the country returns "unknown team ID")

Last edited by sleet at 4/13/2021 9:58:28 PM