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Suggestions > Add a Facility in Training Section

Add a Facility in Training Section

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Date: 6/3/2021 11:50:01 AM
Team Payabang
Overall Posts Rated:
This is not to replace the current Training system... but to add an additional option and additional numbers of Possible Trainables per week. Just Select the players to Train

An upgradable/Downgradable Facility (Max of Level 3) that would unlock Training Sessions without Training Minutes. But will add a Maintenance cost.

-Level 1 = 1 Position Trainings (full Traning)
-Level 2 = 2 Position Trainings (full training)
-Level 3 = Team Training ((full Traning)+ passive improvement to STA that could be dependant on Players Age and Traners' Levels)

if BBs see fit... Manager could need to pay for a Price per player whenever they choose to use the facility for a session.

+additional Training Option... so Teams can Train without Tanking
+players that didn't get the proper minutes for a full Training now can have an option to have a full Training... If the Facility level is at Max.... a passive STA also accounted for... plus his played game minutes that will also be converted to EXP counts as well
+additional number of Traineee can be Trained per Training day... But if the player didnt play a game an official game he won't get any minutes to convert to EXP.
+ a possibility to Train STA passively
+official Team Training space for your Trainers and Players
+Probably Farm teams would be lessen.

+additional weekly Maintenance
+additional coding to BBs

Last edited by Bro_Khen at 6/3/2021 11:55:42 AM

This Post:
309394.2 in reply to 309394.1
Date: 6/4/2021 3:48:31 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Actually a great training facility
Something similar is suggested every week and always declined.

Training is a part of managing your team, this way we would seperate new clubs from old users even more (more trainings = better players and overall more trainees = price of players fall).

New players mainly get money from training young trainees and if every club with X money could do it... well, they wouldn't be able to compete

This Post:
309394.3 in reply to 309394.2
Date: 6/4/2021 4:24:32 AM
Team Payabang
Overall Posts Rated:
kinda exaggerated much... haven't read a Training suggestion in a couple of weeks now or probably within a month,,, but we get the point... but this can go hand and hand with what we have suggested first I tried to suggest... the Draft pick Trades (309314.2)

the suggestion didn't allow more Trainings and or Trainee for free... The manager need to build a Facility and Maintain it weekly and if thee BB's see fit... Charge everytime player(s) if he/they are setup to Train on that Facility on a Training day.

Last edited by Bro_Khen at 6/7/2021 8:06:26 AM