It's an interesting read, especially how different managers have different perspective of what skill is more important.
But those threads are no longer relevant. Season 17 (2011) brought in elastic effects. All those posts were written in 2009 and 2010. So now there's some sort of a 1v1 forwards meta and a shot blocking meta (although I'm not too convince for the latter. Seems to work for me but just seem to slow for some others).
I've shared a more updated and reliable source in the Project SGNT thread, but I guess it's worth sharing here again:
(295510.1). This thread also talks about relative training speed by height/age/training position. It doesn't contain the "shot blocking" training which apparently boosts elastics faster tho, that one is something I just noticed last year or something. A few top managers in BB are using it (I think Manon was one of them? I have to dig it back up for more info)
Last edited by BuzzRBeater at 7/7/2021 6:38:16 AM