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Draft Strategies

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From: Harlab
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Date: 3/2/2022 11:02:54 PM
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Hey y'all,

Just curious what different manager's draft strategies are:
Scouting Combine?
Group Demonstration?

Do you do any of the skill based combines?

Do you scout players as you go for the rest of the season or hold all of your draft points until the end of the season?

I'm not in the market this season but am curious for future seasons.

Thanks for humoring me!

From: 0verW1ng

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313806.3 in reply to 313806.1
Date: 3/3/2022 7:54:11 AM
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Second Team:
Actually a great training facility
The way I do it:

1) Reveal ages on all players (10 pts)
2) Count how many 1-2 grey ball players are 18yo
3.1) If there are more than 10, go for reveal of skills of 1-2 grey ball
3.2) If there are less scout 18 year olds individualy
4) Scout the remaining 18 year olds
5) If you feel like spending, go for some 19yo

I set up my list this way (important to non important)
1) Potential 5*
2) Skills A+
3) Combination of height and skills (appropriate height for position shown or reverse, hoping for a small guy with inside skills or big woth outside)
4) What my team needs

Hope this helps a bit

From: Harlab

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313806.4 in reply to 313806.3
Date: 3/3/2022 8:59:18 AM
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Super helpful, both of you, thank you.

I've usually tended towards either a homegrown player to add to my team or a great prospect that I could sell for a nice chunk of cash.

I hadn't thought about this approach of seeing how many 18 year old 1-2 ball players there are first and then moving from there; thanks for that nugget.

From: Camy

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313806.5 in reply to 313806.4
Date: 4/12/2022 3:32:14 AM
Karma Chameleons
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Second Team:
Karma Bears
Im homegrown and my approach to the draft is based on that.

1)5k per point, no more
2) best possible pick
3) complete information

That s the most value you can achive in a draft!

First of all I believe that a single point spent adds value to all the points that have been spent before in the same draft. This is because the more complete the information you have the better your choice will be. Knowing that you have found a potential 5 and not knowing if he has a hole in his primary defense makes a lot of difference, whether you want to train or sell.

For this reason I like to draft when I have at least 90 points, 60 to know skills (here you can save money if you give up something but at least you have to know the 2 defenses), age and height and 30 to look for the potential of the 10 most promising.

I train my draftees so in order not to overlap the trainers I draft every 5 seasons or so and this allows me to accumulate the necessary points and pay them 5k per point.
In addition I like to look for the best possible pick in the season in which I draft trying to avoid relegation (mine S55 for example) to raise more and more the value of every single point that I invested.

Homegrown since...ever
From: julo
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313806.10 in reply to 313806.9
Date: 4/15/2022 5:35:18 AM
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I have an interesting player. 18yo A+ SF. He has good statistics, but I can't understand one thing. He had: 37min, 14/20 FG, 7/9 FT, 8 passes AND 5 TO. So, he can drive very well, given the amount of shots he took and score and FT he attended, he can pass very good, given 8 AST, so why do you think 5 TO?

Last edited by julo at 4/15/2022 5:36:05 AM