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Training Issues

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31409.2 in reply to 31409.1
Date: 5/16/2008 7:28:22 AM
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As far as form issues, here's one thing to keep in mind. After the form reset, everyone was respectable, but everyone had that value as 6 in their xml, leading me to believe that the form was reset to the lowest possible "respectable". After this week's training, the majority of my team is still respectable, but all of those are 7 in the xml. My conclusion is that players who went up in form had to go up an an entire level just for the change to be superficially noticeable.

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31409.4 in reply to 31409.3
Date: 5/16/2008 8:36:56 AM
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But the form drops for the several players who didn't play full 48 minutes all dropped 1 or 2 levels.

To drop 1 game shape level superficially (if what I said earlier is correct) would take only a very tiny downward change this week.

Anyway, I'll let you get back to your training issue.

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31409.6 in reply to 31409.5
Date: 5/16/2008 11:54:01 AM
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Also, I changed my training to Game Shape last night, and the changes were not reflected this morning.

That REALLY sucks.

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone
From: rodolfo
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31409.7 in reply to 31409.6
Date: 5/16/2008 12:44:49 PM
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Two weeks without a pop in training.

Very strange to me, at least i had some form changes, but never happened before...