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National Team Speeches (thread closed)

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From: kozlik4
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314219.2 in reply to 314219.1
Date: 4/20/2022 7:47:01 AM
KS Goldena
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
Hello Israel,

I'm Karol. After many seasons as a manager of Lithuania NT, and before also Poland NT I'm looking for new challanges. That's why I decided to submit my candidacy on Israel NT coach.

I know many of your key players and I think you hava a great team. I admired your great win on World Cup in semi-final game with China and then in final with Spain. I think this team have eveything to be regularly on the top and win the biggest trophies.

What I offer: My the highest commitment I'm known for in places where I was, knowledge and a huge experience with NT's (actually I've already won everything). I'm also known as a person, who are able to make better results than you can expect basing on state of players quality what I proved e.g. when I won World Cup with Lithuania NT or B3 with my own team last season.

I know foreign manager leading your NT can be a cause of many differential concerns. I remember Lithuanians concerns...but they decided to be above these concerns and chose me...and today after many season and all this great emotions, which we experienced together they are full of thankful and don't regret for sure.

I hope you will also trust me....and we will do great things with Israel NT too