Hello everyone,
The fixed amount of Tv contract is necessary for the stability of our teams so we keep it as it is.However I would like to suggest an additional option in order to spice up our gaming experience and boost our finances to the level of Alonso's suggestion on Merchandise Income. (and even less..)
At the start of the season we will have a choice to select a tv contract reward based on our goals.
1)Playoffs Winner 2)Playoffs Contender 3)Standard
Lets take for example Division 1:
1) In case of success bonus 350k (at the end of the season) + 10k per week for the next year / Fail: Pay 150k
2)In case of success bonus 200k / Fail: Pay 75k
3) No changes
This way we promote winning teams and dont punish the rest. Others will talk about the numbers but you get the concept..
Let me know what are your thoughts about this!
Last edited by A.Rose at 7/3/2022 1:51:42 PM