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elastic effect

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From: Emma
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Date: 9/14/2022 12:09:06 AM
Emma BC
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Emma BC II
I saw some posts on the forum about "elastic effect" in training and I would like to understand better.
Is there a general rule? How it works?

Thanks to everyone who can help

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316210.2 in reply to 316210.1
Date: 9/14/2022 2:11:27 AM
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When you training, you train a principal skill and a random of seconday skill. In the specific a little % of training is assigned to a random skill.

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316210.3 in reply to 316210.1
Date: 9/14/2022 3:03:12 AM
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Little Computer People
This is as far correct as you are referring to cross-training/gym, please read this (295510.1)

4. Elasticity effect - 1 or higher, in shorter words driving and Handling add elasticity effect to all upper skills, inside defense adds elasticity effect to all inside skills. But every skill have skills from which it gains elasticity effect if average of those skills is higher than skill that you train. Sorry for complicated explanation but elasticity effect is complicated thing
5. Cross training (+gym) - ~0.93, 0.07 to the one skill that you don't train (but because of cross training, you will train).

Last edited by LA-flaterik123 at 9/14/2022 3:05:29 AM

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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316210.4 in reply to 316210.1
Date: 9/14/2022 7:34:31 AM
Roter Stern Stuttgart
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Example to flateriks post:

modern big men often have high driving skill.
1) training driving also helps actively training jumpshot and insideshot, but:

2) it will help later training outside defense, because driving has an elastic effect on outside defense. If the driving skill is much higher than outside defense, outside defense will train fast (and minimales the slowing effect of height and age)

Last edited by Ted the Threat at 9/14/2022 7:41:39 AM

Manchmal ist man der Hund - manchmal der Baum.
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316210.5 in reply to 316210.3
Date: 9/14/2022 11:25:53 AM
Emma BC
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Emma BC II
For example, if I have a player with "passing" 4 and his average perimeter skill is 7. What is the fastest way?
I mean, would it be faster to train now? Or elevate all perimeter skills and then evolve passing to take advantage of this elastic effect?

I apologize if the language seems confusing, I use the translator

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316210.6 in reply to 316210.5
Date: 9/14/2022 1:42:55 PM
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Little Computer People
Perhaps you can find someone uns the spanish community to eliminate the language problem … i. e. your u21-coach.

To have most benefit of the elastic effect you should train i. e. Outer Defense almost to the desired skill than Switch to Passing.

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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316210.7 in reply to 316210.6
Date: 9/14/2022 5:31:08 PM
Emma BC
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Emma BC II
unfortunately my country doesn't debate much, luckily the information you gave and some good coaches from my country that I got in touch with have helped me a lot

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316210.8 in reply to 316210.6
Date: 9/14/2022 7:10:23 PM
Syndicalists' BC
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To have most benefit of the elastic effect you should train i. e. Outer Defense almost to the desired skill than Switch to Passing.

which is strange because they brought in elasticity in order to create more well-rounded players iirc

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316210.9 in reply to 316210.7
Date: 9/15/2022 12:10:44 AM
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Little Computer People
unfortunately my country doesn't debate much, luckily the information you gave and some good coaches from my country that I got in touch with have helped me a lot

Oh, I made a mistake … Don‘t know why I thought you were from spain 🧐

founded in S3 IV.5 (34234) - returned in S28 IV.7 (34515)
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316210.10 in reply to 316210.1
Date: 9/15/2022 12:26:57 AM
Tampines Fusion
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ActiveSG Basketball Academy
I've seen people call elastic effect as the "rubber band effect". It's like pulling a rubber band. If you pull hard on one end, the other end will spring to it when you let go. The further you pull one end, the tighter the rubber band will be and harder to pull, but the other end will spring faster.

So just like that metaphor, if 2 outside defense and 16 driving, because the levels are so far, driving training slows down and outside defense will be faster if you compare to a player who's skills are same (like 9 driving 9 outside defense).

Anyway answering this question has made me think of the joke where Brazilians and Portuguese always pull on doors which say "push" xD

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316210.11 in reply to 316210.9
Date: 9/15/2022 11:38:31 PM
Emma BC
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Emma BC II
no problem, glad you helped me