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Suggestions > Team chemistry

Team chemistry

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From: Zajk
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Date: 12/28/2023 4:21:15 PM
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I have been playing a soccer manager game before buzzer beater, and they had a "team chemestry" level, something of the kind as enthusiasm is here.

So, if you always sold and bought players the team chemistry would be low, and if you could have the same team for a longer time it would be high.

My point is, many teams just save up money before playoffs and buy expensive players just some weeks before and are competitive, thats not how actuall basketball works, players have to learn to play together and need time for this.

Does buzzer beater, which i have noticed want to make the game as realistic as possible not take this thing in account?

I know that there is some economic benefit with fans survey that they are more pleased if star players dont leave, but thats all what i can see.

From: tough
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322477.2 in reply to 322477.1
Date: 2/2/2024 10:41:59 PM
Mountain Eagles
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Ric Flair Drippers
I know I'm replying very late to this party but I fully support another chemistry component being added to the game. It could be on a scale of 1-11 with "average" being the average reset at the start of the season leading up to "prolific" being the maximum level. Buying more players hurts your chemistry and having continuity throughout the entire season builds your chemistry, with prolific being the maximum level achievable. buying a star player inserted into the starting lineup can turn your chemistry down 2/3 notches so let's say if close to playoff you're at level 9, buying a star can knock it back down to 6 and so forth.




3 Time NBBA Champion. Certified Trainer. Mentor. Have any questions? Feel free to shoot me a BB-Mail!
From: maulback

To: Zajk
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322477.4 in reply to 322477.1
Date: 2/4/2024 4:27:06 AM
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Second Team:
They could implement a system similar to the national team, where unselecting a player reduces their TS. For clubs, they could introduce a rule where selling a player decreases the TS proportionally to their role in the team. This would complement the existing mechanism where buying a player already accounts for the fact that their game shape decreases.

il destino ciascuno lo lascia al suo posto
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322477.5 in reply to 322477.4
Date: 2/4/2024 4:57:49 AM
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And also it is a very anorher steange situation in bb.
I can buy a player, he can play for me 1 or 2 games, and i can fire him without pay salary.
It is inaccettable
Why i do not pay salary immediatly after i bought him?
Now i can buy for 20k a player with 200k salary, he play for me and after i fire him.

This Post:
322477.6 in reply to 322477.5
Date: 2/4/2024 2:26:33 PM
Súria Lakers
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Second Team:
Súria Lakers II
And also it is a very anorher steange situation in bb.
I can buy a player, he can play for me 1 or 2 games, and i can fire him without pay salary.
It is inaccettable
Why i do not pay salary immediatly after i bought him?
Now i can buy for 20k a player with 200k salary, he play for me and after i fire him.

With a notable game shape drop...

PKT desde la Temporada 4

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