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Date: 8/26/2024 11:11:10 AM
Desportivo de Águas Santas
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Hello everyone,

This probably has already been asked before, but is it important to have veteran players on your team?
If so, why is that?

Thank you all,

Marco Silva
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324674.3 in reply to 324674.2
Date: 8/26/2024 4:33:41 PM
Desportivo de Águas Santas
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Thank you for the insight! I appreciate it!

Marco Silva
This Post:
324674.4 in reply to 324674.3
Date: 8/30/2024 1:35:27 PM
Hello DAAS, welcome back,

Veterans are incredibly cost-effective, especially if you are a new team or a team running low on finances, do you need help setting a short term goal for your team to profit as much as possible while you are without a salary floor?

About veterans, they are very cheap to buy, normally you replace them after 1 season or 2 seasons, they have high experience and often higher stamina, both of these attributes can provide you a big competitive edge.

Normally when I'm tanking, or short on cash I go for veterans, because I don't want to spend that much. But there are also high cost veterans, incredibly well rounded players, those builds are normally more expensive.

Ideally invest every single penny you can for now into the arena, get some cheap 10k players, 5 of them, and the rest can be 3k players, so no more than 60k salary while you are not paying salary floor. As a new team you are going to be put into much easier leagues, so your opponents will be similar teams, you can easily finish top 4 or maybe gain a promotion in your first 2 seasons.

Get your arena to 12000 / 2500 / 250 / 25 as fast as possible, this is ideal for III., when you arrive in II. you can increase your arena, we have a whatsapp group, do you want to join us? We are more than 40 members of the Portuguese team.

This Post:
324674.5 in reply to 324674.4
Date: 8/30/2024 3:18:00 PM
Desportivo de Águas Santas
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Hey Coach Sergio,

(Ill answer in English, just because this might help other people)

That is one of the biggest strengths of veterans, cost-effective.
The question was more like, do they have an important role to younger players or will they develop just like they would without any veterans on the team?

In the past I always had more older and experienced players on my teams, because well for starts like you said, cost-effective and they were already well rounded and could help the team from their starting day.

Now, my plan is definitely to increase the arena seats and improve younger prospects.

Btw, I definitely want to join the Portuguese whatsapp group, if you could sent me through dm I would appreciate it indeed.

Most importantly thank you for the knowledge and answer!

Marco Silva
This Post:
324674.6 in reply to 324674.5
Date: 8/30/2024 3:48:16 PM
>The question was more like, do they have an important role to younger players or will they develop just like they would without any veterans on the team?

No, they will not give youngsters any kind of boost or effect

It's very important that you do a very good management of your finances and build your team properly before salary floor kicks in, because it really boosts your development and it will be much easier to compete, tank, or develop players

Sure, I messaged you!