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Defence vs. Offense

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Date: 8/30/2024 8:39:51 AM
Gli Indomabili
Overall Posts Rated:
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Gli Scellerati
Hi everybody!
As the title suggests, I would like to start a discussion on what you think about these two aspects of the game.

1 - Do you value offense or defence more, when organizing a roster? (so, what is your preference);
2 - Do you think offense is more important than defence (or viceversa)? Why?
3 - Would you rather have some weaknesses on offense or on the defensive end? (for instance, a weak offensive player or two, or one/two weak defenders that could be targeted; a weak passing team or a weak rebounding team);
4 - What should be the values in OD and ID for each league (IV, III, II and I)? (even though there is not a right answer, what would be the range)
5 - Do you think Pa and SB are very important or can be "sacrificed" in favour of other "more useful" skills?

Feel free to answer any of these questions and thanks a lot for the help, it is very much appreciated!

P.s. I will add a quick poll to have a little bit of fun.

Poll:  Offense vs. Defence: what type of team would you rather have?

Offense all day every day! All-star game scores!
Defence, of course! 55-61 is the way to go!
Doesn't matter, I enjoy different types of rosters
As long as my stoppers do their work, I don't care

"Un matrimonio, adoro i matrimoni, da bere per tutti!"
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324691.2 in reply to 324691.1
Date: 8/30/2024 9:35:46 AM
Dombovár Thunder
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Dombovár Hornets

I personally prefer defence because I think it has a higher impact on matches. My answer is pretty much the same for the 2nd question.

For the 3rd question, I'd probably rather have some weaknesses on the offensive end because if I have weaker defenders, my opponent can choose an offensive tactic to target those players, however, if have weaknesses on the offensive end, I can choose a tactic where those players don't have to shoot the ball that much. Weak passing or weak rebounding? Easily weak passing to me, I think rebounding is just more important

4th question, in IV it should be 12-13, in III 14-15, in II 16-17, in I 18+.

As for the last question, I think it depends on what kind of lineup a manager prefers. For example, I wouldn't be able to sacrifice any of them, because my dream lineup would look like this ( Once I can a make it to the top divison ): a Point Guard with 20 or more OD and 16+ passing, with lower shooting rates, Wings with 19+ Jumpshots and 15+ Outside shots with 17+ OD, 19+ inside scorer Power forward with like 15 or 16 ID, and a Defensive monster big with 20+ ID and SB, 14 inside scoring

P.s. This topic is a really good idea from you

All the best!

Last edited by NBA_Dodo at 8/30/2024 9:40:31 AM

This Post:
324691.5 in reply to 324691.1
Date: 8/31/2024 6:44:42 AM
white snake
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Black Forest Boars
1) defense. Many seasons ago, when I stareted to build SB players and pure defense guys, I called it "60 wins". In Utopia I am building two defense bigs. A lot of SB, ID, PA and OD. The first three skills are finished, OD is currently trained. It takes a lot of time for such tall players, but they are useful already and I can live with it.

2) defense. Stop the opponent, exhaust his players and win the game with +1 ;)

3) it depends. On defense I would sacrifice RB. Defend and block as much as possible and get the ball. Your opponent can get 5 ORs, but if he cannot score... it's your win.
On offense I would sacrifice one of the guards. Especially if you run ISO Outside, you don't need three scorers. You have one main and a second punch. The rest is for defense and passing.

4) as high as possible. My data shows, that your shooting fouls go down, that you can take away up to 90% of the scoring on defended shots. So a higher defense means more defended shots, less scoring and less points in the end.

5) These two are important. Currently SB and PA are the highest skills of my two defense bigs.

@Sentinel: I think my two bigs are exactely what you aim for

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324691.7 in reply to 324691.6
Date: 9/1/2024 3:06:08 AM
white snake
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Black Forest Boars
Indeed, this defense is the most toxic currently. I struggel the most against it.
Last season in Div 1 I had an idea for a hybrid solution. Running a high defense Team, with two heavy hitters and outplaying the box. But after the demotion I had to sell some players and now I will try to set this team up in Utopia.

The idea is to have a PG and SG, which are extremly high on offense. At least with decent defense. The SF has to be balanced in all skills, with a slight advantage in OD, ID and SB.
The PF needs ID, SB and a lot of offense. He is your back up solution. The C is your typical defense C with ID, SB, PA and maybe OD.
I am testing the light version of it in Utopia. Next season I will aim for Div 2. I have no clue, if this will work in the end, but I will test it ;)

From the skills you have as a target, only OD is missing and I plan for the next 3 seasons to run them as PGs. It is painful, but after OD they will be finished. At the same time the third trainee has a lot of OD and I can switch his training afterwards and get the next big trainees.

Last edited by Nachtmahr at 9/1/2024 3:07:11 AM