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Danmark - I.1 > Sæson 66

Sæson 66

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From: BigFoot
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Date: 10/8/2024 3:07:37 PM
Brøndby Bigfoots
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Miami Mothmen
Hey folkens!

Tænkte der er lidt dødt i forummet umiddelbart, så hvorfor ikke prøve med en ny tråd. Hvis der er et bedre sted (f.eks BB Danmark?) til en sådan tråd så siger I bare til.

Jeg er kun for nyligt startet igen efter at have spillet BB engang for mange år siden, med et hold hvis jeg navn jeg ikke engang kan huske.

Det er fedt at være tilbage, omend jeg ikke lige forventede at være i DBL allerede -- hvilket mit hold og setup ihf. heller ikke var gearet til jf. en dejlig tirsdag-lussing fra Horsens Kasuar i dag på næsten 100 point.

Pt. er min plan at vokse min arena og indtægter imens jeg udvikler på nogle interessante talenter jeg har, og prøver at overleve med de få midler jeg har.
Jeg har - som altid i den her slags spil - lavet for mange handler, så jeg nu egentligt har 6 spillere jeg gerne ville udvikle på, men primært vil fokusere på 3 Center/PF talenter som gør jeg misser træningen på 3 af dem. Oh well.

Hvad er planerne for jer andre?

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325397.2 in reply to 325397.1
Date: 10/9/2024 2:35:49 AM
New Spurs
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Sorry, I don't speak Danish, but this looks like a good plan!
I myself plan do the same as last year, but need to change some talent around as my trainees are getting old.

This Post:
325397.3 in reply to 325397.2
Date: 10/9/2024 8:31:44 AM
Brøndby Bigfoots
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Miami Mothmen
Ah that's cool! Are you living in Denmark, or just decided to have a Danish team for the fun? I don't mind either way just curios.

What was the plan last year? Based on your success it looks like you're mainly in performance-now mode and not so much development mode, or are you doing a mix?

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325397.4 in reply to 325397.3
Date: 10/10/2024 2:32:27 AM
New Spurs
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I live in Denmark yes.

I try to train at least 2 players and win. But yeah one of them is too old now, so I need to change the lineup, and currently in negative cash flow anyway.

This Post:
325397.5 in reply to 325397.4
Date: 10/10/2024 8:13:36 PM
Brøndby Bigfoots
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Miami Mothmen
Cool! What's your nationality in that case?
I am danish myself but living in Ireland currently.

The players you train, do you run with young players and train them up or do you buy players that are already established and then further develop them?

My own setup atm. I have 3 main talents, and then 3 that will be trained during 2 position training. I'm trying to mainly go for Danish talents, and both Volder and Otte are players I have drafted -- although I had to buy back Otte as I for some reason decided to sell him in the past.

Main talents

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325397.6 in reply to 325397.5
Date: 10/12/2024 4:11:21 AM
New Spurs
Overall Posts Rated:
I am from Lithuania :)

Yeah my whole roster is of older players like 30+ since they are cheap to acquire. Then 1-2 position is filled with younger talent that can play the starter position and backup. Right now I am down to just one position and even the starter has reached 100% potential so I cannot train him anymore.

So if you plan to stay in the league, see if you can get a better center that is still trainable, that way your league play won't suffer as much. Otherwise, see if you can train their secondary skills as well, nowadays those go for higher and the salary doesn't go up as much.

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325397.7 in reply to 325397.6
Date: 10/15/2024 12:45:16 PM
Brøndby Bigfoots
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Miami Mothmen
That's awesome! Brøndby IF (the football team my team is named after) had a Lithuanian player called Aurelijus Skarbalius. Legend.

That seems like a solid setup to have indeed. For now I will try to develop my arena and the 3 young prospects I have and see how far they get over the coming months. I get too low % for selling them right now. I suspect I will be going down regardless as well so not trying to over-correct too much.

I also just got my 19yo HOF Center injured after 6 minutes of todays match.... And last game took out my top player for some time too.

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325397.8 in reply to 325397.1
Date: 10/31/2024 5:38:42 AM
Korup Pirates
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Korup Prospects
Jeg har været igang i et par sæsoner efter jeg, ligesom dig, har holdt en lang pause. Mit holdnavn er det samme som dengang jeg spillede sidst

Arenaen er i hvert fald vigtig at få på plads... Det er der man tjener pengene
Jeg rykkede op i DBL i forrige sæson og fik tæv både spillemæssigt og økonomisk fordi jeg slet ikke havde nok pladser i arenaen. Denne gang går det lidt bedre
Jeg har gang i et par trainees og ellers vil jeg se om jeg kan få konsolideret mig i DBL i denne sæson og se den næste an, ellers kan det være jeg sælger og starter forfra med at bygge holdet op, men det vil tiden vise