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Defensive Rebound to Dunk in 1 second?

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From: Rambo
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Date: 6/8/2008 9:50:04 PM
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Posted a thread in the bugs forum about a 1 second dunk but it got closed with no explanation. I apologize if it is being worked on but could we get a brief explanation as to why a thread is being closed or if the issue is being worked on?

The above link shows a match in which I took a last second shot with 1 second remaining which was rebounded by the defense with 1second remaining and dunked for the win at the buzzer. Two things are obvious, there is nothing I can do about the result, and there is no way someone can rebound and dunk in one second.

Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone know about this glaring bug? Is anything being done to fix it?

Please repond before closing the thread so I know the status. thanks,

From: Tuper Syp

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34999.2 in reply to 34999.1
Date: 6/9/2008 9:49:28 AM
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It is a quit strange play, which definitely doesn't appear often. Altough what might have happend is the following (logical explanation, not considering how the gameengine is programmed):

The guy snapped the rebound, and the player who dunked was already running down towards the other basket. So the rebounder just made a huge pass, which led to that dunk.

Altough it's pretty weird that it says he did a drop-step move. That would mean he posted up on his defender, and for that he definitly didn't have enough time...

Last edited by Tuper Syp at 6/9/2008 9:50:33 AM

From: Rambo

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34999.3 in reply to 34999.2
Date: 6/9/2008 11:46:29 AM
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It is not physically possible for one team to shoot the ball with one second remaining and have it be rebounded and thrown the entire length of the court and dunked in one second. It is absolutely an error in the game engine, it should not be an event that is allowed to occur goign forward.

I remember seeing this being discussed before but couldn't find any of the old threads where people reported a defensive rebound and an offensive dunk within one second. I thought it had been resolved but I guess it fell through the cracks.

If anyone else ahs any other information please share.


This Post:
34999.4 in reply to 34999.3
Date: 6/9/2008 12:03:32 PM
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One of my players took a defensive rebound and then dunked it in the same minute. It has to be said that it was the final seconds so it might be that there is some bugs linked with at the buzzer shots...

Sometimes I think, sometimes I don't
This Post:
34999.5 in reply to 34999.4
Date: 6/9/2008 12:52:18 PM
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as the games are calculated by the game-engine it is possible some 'theoretically' impossible stuff can happen. Ofcourse this is something that lowers the quality of the game, but it is not necessarily bad. If the game engine decides your team should loose, it could as well make a trow from under 1 ring to the other and make it a 3 pointer. It is just in the way it is shown in the engine.

Since it is not 'bad' now, it might be no priority. But since it would improve the game, I'm sure BBs will get to it when they see a chance.

The fact your thread was closed does not mean BBs will not look at it. your suggestion was made, there is no reason for discussion. The GE could be improved on this area, and probably will in the future. For now we will have to live with the way it is.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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34999.6 in reply to 34999.5
Date: 6/9/2008 1:21:55 PM
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I agree that if the engine "decides that I should lose" I will lose no matter what. The point isn't that I lost so much as this is a problem with the engine. As you said it is a relatively minor problem and I agree with that.

I would have been perfectly fine with a full court shot to win the game instead. Again, I don't expect my results to change or anything like that I just wanted to raise the scenario so people were aware of it and could begin to think about fixing it.

From: CrazyEye

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34999.7 in reply to 34999.6
Date: 6/9/2008 1:27:38 PM
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Maybe it just a try from the BB to let the match viewer look like a real live ticker *crunch*

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34999.8 in reply to 34999.6
Date: 6/9/2008 3:24:10 PM
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indeed, I got your point, and I agree, some events could be tweaked, but overall I think the engine provides prety nice results.

I'm sure the BBs know it could be tweaked. another much suggested item is to add block-events.
I'm sure some day they'll get to it and optimize it a bit, but I fear they have too much work they still should get too.

Any way, what I wanted to tell you was that even your thread was closed, the suggestion probably will make it trough. Thought that might be nice for you to know. ;)

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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34999.9 in reply to 34999.6
Date: 6/9/2008 3:25:20 PM
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indeed, I got your point, and I agree, some events could be tweaked, but overall I think the engine provides pretty nice results.

I'm sure the BBs know it could be tweaked. Another much suggested item is to add block-events.
I'm sure some day they'll get to it and optimize it a bit, but I fear they have too much work they still should get to.

Any way, what I wanted to tell you was that even your thread was closed, the suggestion probably will make it trough. Thought that might be nice for you to know. ;)

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
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34999.10 in reply to 34999.9
Date: 6/9/2008 4:20:20 PM
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Thanks, that is nice to know. It is disheartening when your thread is closed without any responses. I figured it was read and passed on and no explanation was really necessary but a simple response is always helpful.

This Post:
34999.11 in reply to 34999.10
Date: 6/9/2008 4:32:05 PM
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Thanks, that is nice to know. It is disheartening when your thread is closed without any responses. I figured it was read and passed on and no explanation was really necessary but a simple response is always helpful.

Actually, I think I closed it from what I can tell, and I didn't mean to.

Completely my fault and as usual, I suck.

Nothing sinister, just stupidity.

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A CT? Really?
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