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BB Global (English) > Draft, Wage update..

Draft, Wage update..

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From: Vycka
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Date: 8/11/2008 5:20:07 AM
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When will be draft results, wage update, new schedule, new election and everythink I think BB- or GM- need to write all these in first page, because everybody are asking this questions.

From: Emilio

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42113.2 in reply to 42113.1
Date: 8/11/2008 5:58:00 AM
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It is written in the rules, carefully hidden in the Draft section. Anyway I guess it's sometime between tonight and tomorrow.

¡Me aburro! (Homer Simpson)
From: Mr.Mac
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42113.3 in reply to 42113.2
Date: 8/11/2008 9:28:58 AM
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Last year the draft was on Monday at 7:00pm (roughly) Boston time.

So, in Europe it should be this night, 2:30am more or less.

See u

PD: i don´t even know why the stuff don´t tell these things on the news page :/

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42113.5 in reply to 42113.2
Date: 8/11/2008 9:33:44 AM
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It is written in the rules, carefully hidden in the Draft section. Anyway I guess it's sometime between tonight and tomorrow.

Here's a link: (/BBWeb/rules.aspx?nav=Draft)

and an excerpt:

The draft occurs during the offseason, two days after the league championship tiebreaker game.

This Post:
42113.6 in reply to 42113.5
Date: 8/11/2008 9:35:21 AM
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Okay draft tommorow, wage update when ? new schedule ?

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42113.7 in reply to 42113.6
Date: 8/11/2008 10:00:28 AM
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give me a great Czech talent, not only these compromise guys, finally!!!

From: glop

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42113.8 in reply to 42113.6
Date: 8/11/2008 10:01:52 AM
Bc Siauliai
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Second Team:
Bc Vilniaus Siauliai
I guess after draft... All stuff in one..

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42113.9 in reply to 42113.5
Date: 8/11/2008 10:03:51 AM
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It is written in the rules, carefully hidden in the Draft section. Anyway I guess it's sometime between tonight and tomorrow.

Here's a link: /BBWeb/rules.aspx?nav=Draft

and an excerpt:

The draft occurs during the offseason, two days after the league championship tiebreaker game.

How about having this information on the "Edit Draft Order" page?

This Post:
42113.10 in reply to 42113.9
Date: 8/11/2008 10:05:34 AM
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It is written in the rules, carefully hidden in the Draft section. Anyway I guess it's sometime between tonight and tomorrow.

Here's a link: (/BBWeb/rules.aspx?nav=Draft)

and an excerpt:

The draft occurs during the offseason, two days after the league championship tiebreaker game.

How about having this information on the "Edit Draft Order" page?

Or at least a link to that section of the rules. Completely sensible, I agree.

From: Bevzil

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42113.11 in reply to 42113.6
Date: 8/11/2008 10:30:41 AM
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Last wage update was after the training on Friday... But since that was a mid-season, this time maybe it'll be tomorrow...

And as I remember, last season there was a server change on Tuesday and it took approximately 10 hours, during which they had the draft and schedule proceeded... Or was that a season before? :)