training updates happen once a week on friday at 3:00am. if a player goes up a skill level there will be a little green arrow next to that skill. you set your training in the training link and there you have the options of what skills to train. if you want to train C/PF then train inside shot, inside defense, rebounding, and shotblocking (though some people don't train SB). Train one of those skills every 2 weeks in rotation. So 2 weeks will be IS and the next 2 weeks will be ID. The same works for training other positions but I can't give you specific examples since I only train C/PF. An increase in DMI can show that your player is getting training whether or not they actually pop in a skill, but DMI is a pretty weak indicator. You want your trainees to get at least 48 minutes a week. So you have 3 games a week to make that happen.
-training updates at 3:00 friday
-set your training by determining what positions and what skill
-rotate skill training
-players getting trained in the selected positions need at least 48 minutes