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Training Game shape

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From: Huzzel
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Date: 9/17/2008 4:48:21 PM
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what happens when training game shape? i have never done it before. How good are the results? Does anyone has statitics or experience doing so?

From: Rambo

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50509.2 in reply to 50509.1
Date: 9/17/2008 9:17:23 PM
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In my opinion an utter waste of training. Yes it is important to have a high game shape, but it is influenced by minutes played and thus can be improved by shrewd time management for the players. Also if you train GS it can be wiped out with poor time management if you play your players too much or too little. Also remember GS only goes up to Proficient.

Save yourself the time and do a different training.

From: Huzzel

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50509.3 in reply to 50509.2
Date: 9/18/2008 4:02:56 AM
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I already know this! But this was not my question.
i would like to know what happens if you train it. okay game shape apparently goes up but how much. I also know that it usually doesnt make sense, you could have assumed this, cause I do not know what happens when training game shape, in spite of playying already 3 seasons. So I have probably never trained game shape before.

Also remember GS only goes up to Proficient.

I believe your are wrong about that one. I havent heard much about training game shape, but one of a few things I have heard about it is, that it can go up till prominent, when you train it. dont know if this is true though.

Last edited by Huzzel at 9/18/2008 8:15:01 AM

From: Rambo

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50509.4 in reply to 50509.3
Date: 9/18/2008 8:57:28 AM
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I am 99% sure Game Shape only goes to Proficient. Stamina on the other hand goes to Prominent.

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50509.5 in reply to 50509.3
Date: 9/18/2008 10:49:30 AM
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I believe your are wrong about that one. I havent heard much about training game shape, but one of a few things I have heard about it is, that it can go up till prominent, when you train it. dont know if this is true though.

No, game shape tops out at Proficient.

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50509.6 in reply to 50509.5
Date: 11/15/2008 7:48:42 AM
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I just trained game shape for the finals. All of my players had between 50 and 72 minutes. My three will-never-play-in-a-competitive-game scrubs went up and two of my starters and a bench guy dropped. So three pops and three losses in Game Shape in a week when I was specifically training it.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.