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One to One or JS?

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Date: 10/3/2008 3:14:51 AM
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Which training do you think gives the most Inside shot training as a secondary? This is for SF/PF training in both cases.

Please state whether this is a guess or from experience.

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52483.2 in reply to 52483.1
Date: 10/3/2008 3:43:52 AM
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From experience I would say I have seen more pops from One on One.

Guessing I would say that they both have inside shot weighted fairly similarly

Creator of ( and ( -- Ex GM of Australia -- Division 1 winner of Italy Season 1 then moved team to Australia after the country was created by the BBs. Australian team manager for 2 seasons. Won various tournaments and division 1 titles in the following seasons.
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52483.3 in reply to 52483.2
Date: 10/3/2008 4:16:46 AM
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Yeah - on the overall pops I think one to one wins.

Then a new question would be at what level do most managers think Handling / Driving is high enough relative to the other skills.

There have been some Wondrous drivers/handlers on the TL recently with most of the other skills 3-5 levls lower... i find it hard to imagine how the extra levels would result in better performance... one thing is for sure the skills dont appear to be too wage heavy.. is this a telling sign that after a certain level they just arent worth trying to improve?

I would like to give some big men some more handling (too difficult to train everyone at PG/SG so I will opt for SF/PF one to one.. just dont want to build up ridiculous levels of Driving if the concensus is that beyond Prominent it just doesnt make sense... I guess Handling always helps but again my train of thought is Id rather have those pops elsewhere....

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52483.4 in reply to 52483.3
Date: 10/3/2008 7:03:02 AM
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I think that driving for bigger guys is more important than handling.

One of my centers has strong handling and he has the same rate of turnovers as a inept handler but they have the same passing, which leads me to think that passing is more important if you don't want to have turnovers than handling.

On the other hand driving helps when shooting and is a lot less wage sensitive than IS, so training driving makes sense later on.

Also, driving pops a lot when training SF/PF so it is easy to pop it up.

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52483.5 in reply to 52483.1
Date: 10/3/2008 10:03:28 AM
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Which training do you think gives the most Inside shot training as a secondary? This is for SF/PF training in both cases.
Please state whether this is a guess or from experience.

From experience, JS for forwards trains IS at 50% (compared to IS training). I doubt that 1v1 does that much.

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52483.6 in reply to 52483.4
Date: 10/4/2008 7:44:59 PM
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I definitely agree about passing controlling turnovers more than handling. Early in the season, with strong handling and pitiful passing, my star SG was commiting a ridiculous amount of turnovers. Now with awful less so, and I hope to get him to inept or mediocre before I stop training him in that.