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Jump Shot Training

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From: Torpedo
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Date: 10/10/2008 8:03:17 AM
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I'm training jump shot and I've noticed that a lot of players of my team need a very longer time to skill up in distance shooting. I think it could be a bug.

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53214.3 in reply to 53214.2
Date: 10/10/2008 1:45:36 PM
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Ok :)

My trainer is Julio Jenkins, started as a level 10 trainer some weeks ago (i think one of the first weeks of this season) and now dropped at level 9. I think a lot of people have Julio as trainer, it could be easy know exactly when he arrives.

I train 6 players in jump shooting and, occasionally, in distance shooting. The guards.

An example of player that is delaying his skill up is Massimo Salvini (2937866).
He's 20 years old.
He has 4 weeks of training in Jump shoot, the exact amount of minutes is 187. Probably 3 weeks complete plus a week of 43 minutes.
Plus he has 3 weeks of training in distance shooting, the exact amount of minutes is 142. Two weeks complete plus one week of 46 minutes, this for sure.
Total: 7 training weeks, 3 of the specific training of the skill that isn't skilled up.

The skill up we are talking about is that between "valido" (level 9) and "notevole" (level 10). His potential is all star.

Well, i think this player is delaying his skill up in distance shooting. I thought it could be caused by potential, but skills up in jump shooting of this and other players are very regular, and their skills are higher than distance shooting ones.

I've got a player whit even more training weeks, Billy Ferrarara (4283519). I thought ii mistoke something writing the minutes of this player, but now that is happening to Salvini too, I start thinking that there is a general problem.


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53214.4 in reply to 53214.3
Date: 10/10/2008 2:10:30 PM
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i have problems with that, too
my players do not skill up as quick as they usually do in their shooting skills

*no bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings* - william blake